Free Soloing. What is your view?

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Post by michaelarmand »

ynp1 - I really think you are misguided with this "purest for of climbing" nonsense. If you wated to be "pure" in technique it would seem to me that we would climb barefoot with no chalk - but who cares! What about skipping the protection makes climbing "pure"? If you are looking for a rush - just do a harder climb!

I know of the rush you all speak of - I have been way run out and scared out of my mind climbing ice many times (not by choice - protection was unavailable). Trust me - it isn't worth the potential consequences.
I've been a gumby longer than you've been climbing.
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Post by SCIN »

Free soloing is a cool circus trick. Kind of like the trapeze artists in the circus who don't use nets and other death defying stuff. I think climbers tend to over dramatize it a bit instead of seeing it as a simple circus act but it's fun to watch and read about. I don't ever want to have to clean up the mess of someone who sucks at it though.
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Post by charlie »

My view is I couldn't really care less about anybody else's view.

Don't think any of your opinions have anything but a trifling effect on me.
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Post by blakeleathers »

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Post by ynp1 »

toad857, i have done a little deep water soloing and i agree that it is fun as shit. but you can still die, Micheal Reardon... and if you need a rush climb a harder route??? are you kidding, why would you get a bigger rush by climbing a harder route? I dont get a bigger rush, but i do get a bigger forearm pump.

Yes it is my opinion that it is the purest form of climbing, and i have heard the shit about no chalk and shoes... whatever... that would be more pure i guess.

i dont think it is a circus trick all the time. Many people free solo all of routes or parts of routes in the mountains as a neccessity to go fast. but you are right it can be done as a stunt of some sort.
I don't have haters, I have fans in denial.
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Post by Der Revir »

well there is a difference of a dumbass dieing for going free soloing once but once you do free solo i think it becomes an addiction for some people then also if you know if something is with in your limitations and you feel like you are solid enough to do it go for it. Deep water soloing is way safer i guess you are just falling into water. when i have soloed its just been out of spontaniety or deep water soloing. it makes my hands sweat just thinking about free soloist and how they get off on it like they actually love it and thats cool to each their own but think of your family first for sure
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Post by toad857 »

ynp1 wrote:toad857, i have done a little deep water soloing and i agree that it is fun as shit. but you can still die, Micheal Reardon... and if you need a rush climb a harder route??? are you kidding, why would you get a bigger rush by climbing a harder route? I dont get a bigger rush, but i do get a bigger forearm pump.

Yes it is my opinion that it is the purest form of climbing, and i have heard the shit about no chalk and shoes... whatever... that would be more pure i guess.

i dont think it is a circus trick all the time. Many people free solo all of routes or parts of routes in the mountains as a neccessity to go fast. but you are right it can be done as a stunt of some sort.
oh yeah... the ocean... forgot about the ocean. scary as shit--i almost died in the middle of the pacific doing that. don't dws over swells. lakes are way better.

it's kind of like surfing--you have to be a swimmer first, then you can worry about the other part of the sport.
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Post by Sandman »

Everyone has great opinions on this subject, but here's a basic set of rules and ethics.......
1. Do it for your own reasons and purposes, it should be fully selfish and not have anything to do with anyone else.
2. Climb routes that top out, soloing with a rope and harness on is just dumb.
3. Be respectful of other peoples presence, either inform them of your intent, or even better wait til no one is around except maybe friends that choose to be.
4. Be respectful of access issues on the property and be aware of how a death could affect that.
5. Realize the danger and consequences of the given route(i.e. loose rock, downclimbing) and make your choice carefully.
6. Do NOT think about death or falling.... if those thoughts enter your head, your already 1/2 way to them.

I know everyone will attack my little list right down to a minor spelling error on punctuation mistake. So thank you in advance.
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Post by One-Fall »

attack, no. Emphasize, yes.

Everyone here is a climber. #4 is paramount. Dont do anything that would screw up climbing for others.

If I go solo a route at Muir, fall and die, and Rick shuts down Muir for everyone, will there be anyone praising me for pursuing my passion? No, people will be cursing me for shutting down a climbing area and saying how selfish I was.

Im not against soloing, just dont do it where it is going to affect those around you if you overestimate your abilities.
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Post by hausrath »

Good list. And I agree with Clevis, and think that it certainly should NOT be sensationalized like some of the stuff has been in the Progression film.

Climbing is a growing sport. Young and impressionable minds are taking part. Glorifying a particularly dangerous variation on it isn't responsible and shouldn't be condoned.
"Mack and the boys would have thought anyone who traveled without salt, pepper, and coffee very silly indeed."
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