It's at 941 National Ave. You will be able to get your training in. There will be a large 50 degree wall with HIT strips, walls at 30, 15, and 0 degrees, a free standing top out boulder, campus rungs, a couple of hangboards, an injury prevention area with everything from free weights and elastic bands to a wobble board, and a lounge area with cubby holes for your stuff, computers to check your email, and a TV for being lazy. We will post photos soon and welcome feedback.
Also, several people have asked how they can help. We will post here and on FB when we need some extra hands. We want to thank everyone for all the positive energy and support.
I am super stoked ecspecially for winters and rainy days like last summer. Hopefully this gym will stay open I mean oviously these people have the money to do it or they have other business' and they are doing well i thought this was a recesssion lol anyways i hope it stays open. For sure its not gonna be like climb time just because you know someone you get in for free i hope everyone has to pay so we can keep this gym open well hopefully this will be the first gym to do well