Free Soloing. What is your view?

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Free Soloing. What is your view?

Post by whatahutch »

When I was fifteen, before I had ever done any form of legit rock climbing, either traditional or sport, two of my buddies and I free soloed a 50 foot chimney in a holler in my hometown.

Two years ago, on a scouting trip to the same holler, I found the same chimney and thought that I was a complete idiot for ever freesoloing it, and talking my buddies into to doing it with me no less. At 15, I downclimbed it to get back down, and still today I can remember the thrill of doing it. (My friends walked a mile or so along the top of the cliffline to find a place to get down).

Today, with more experience technique and strength, I would not freesolo the same chimney. I know the thrill of free-soloing. I have done low grade routes in the Red. But priorities have changed. I see ynp1's view. There is a thrill. It is super pure. There is a desire to test yourself. Just you and the rock.

But it should not be done to prove how badass you are, to show off and pound your chest and make yourself look cool in front of others. (I am not saying that is your motivation ynp1). It shouldn't be an ego thing.

We all know of strong experienced climbers, and inexperienced souls (like this recent death) that died in "accidents." In this case and all similar cases I would not call them accidents. They were incidents where the person now dead, died. And everyone they knew now has to deal with their decision to test nature without checks and balances. In the end nature will win. (We all die). The deciding factor each of us can have is how we wanted to go out. Would you rather have a long happy life of adventure come to an end from old age, or die in a freesoling death incident? In the death after a long life there will be those that remember you as adventurous and inspirational. In the other there will be debate. There will be those that said she lived on the edge, and that is to be admired, and then there will be those that say you are a dead idiot.

In both cases, you will leave loved ones behind, but in the free soloing death your loved ones will always wish that you hadn't decided to freesolo your life away. Even if while you are alive they accept what you do, in your absence they will wish you are still around to continue participating in this adventure called life.

I know that in the future I will probably do some stupid things, like highball boulder, or maybe even some easy freesolo, and when I get down I will think that I was very stupid for doing so. I will feel regret for placing my own desire above the desires my son, my wife, my parents and siblings, to have me to continue life with them.

So in the end, I probably side with Weber, but realize the thrill and desire of ynp1. It is anybody's choice to do as they please. In the case of free soloing I think it should not be done out of your selfish desire. It should probably not be done at all. But if so, think first of your loved ones and then yourself.
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Post by blakeleathers »

Very well put Chad. Guess it just depends on what you have on earth here to live for. Def if I had a family of my own though I would probably choose not to ever free solo. Bad break though.
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

The problem with free soloing is by talking about it you endorse it. It should be as passe' as masturbation.
You can't even talk about it without bragging that you've done it. I will never make a public statement that can ever be misconstrued as having some sort of awe or respect for it. Free soloing is gay. Talking about it is even worse.

How would you feel if someone you love heard about it and thought it might get them some "street credit" if they soloed something then fell. Free soloing is gay, thats my statement about it. If I'm ever in a group conversation with anyone I tell them the only thing more gay than free soloing is talking/bragging about it later!!
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Post by Shamis »

solo'ing is a rush. Not really worth it though.
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Post by krampus »

it is what it is. Can't stop a person, but do remind them of their living obligations. If its ever me on the ground, so long as I am not on the trail, just leave me to rot. Tell my family where it happened so they can visit if they want. I don't want to be embalmed and cremation is a waist of food for something.
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Re: Free Soloing. What is your view?

Post by Meadows »

whatahutch wrote: Two years ago, on a scouting trip to the same holler, I found the same chimney and thought that I was a complete idiot for ever freesoloing it, and talking my buddies into to doing it with me no less.
The decrease in testosterone that happens with age and having kids generally changes point of view. Or rather, clears the clouds from your thinking.
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Post by ynp1 »

free soloing is the purest form of rock climbing. to look up at a cliff and go to the top of it with out a partner and all that gear is an amazing feeling.

what honald, potter, croft, ect. are doing is amazing and i think it is crazy that so many people look down on them for do it. I know that we have lost some great free soloers in the last few years with bacher and reardon, but they died doing what they loved. I look at it no differently then climbers dieing in the mountains. should we look down on climbers that go climb big remote mountains and cliffs because it is dangerous?

I understand the point about bragging about it. i think it is gay to brag about anything. but these top free soloers are pro climbers and they make movies and talk about what they do to make a living. If they didnt they would have to go get a real job like the rest of us.
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Post by toad857 »

it's funny, nobody ever gives anyone nearly as much shit for talking on a cell phone while plummeting down a highway at 75 mph.
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Post by toad857 »

people don't deep water solo as much. it's fun as hell, you still get super-committed on the rock, and you don't have to die when you fall. there's not too much to be had in KY, but in my opinion it's well worth the drive. hands down my favorite way to climb.
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Post by caribe »

ynp1 wrote:free soloing is the purest form of rock climbing.
Purest form of rock climbing? I hope you know that this statement is more opinion than fact. What the hell does pure rock climbing even mean? Oh and the way I hear the high you get from heroin is pretty good too. You are not really livin' til' youre using. Come on, try it. :shock:
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