Southern Region

Discussions full of RAGE!
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Post by Spragwa »

Hmm. I am loath to give my professional legal opinion on any of these legal issues in the public forum. I am willing to say this, the RRGCC will have to look into this issue as it resolves the problems with the oil company. Further, there are brilliant legal minds working on this. After they resolve these issues, I'm sure that they will be made public.

I hate to be cryptic...I truly do but please please be patient.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by pigsteak »

thanks sprag, for being the steady hand on this one...i get all worked up when I think of the thousands of people who climb at the Red who would camp for free at miguel's (parking lot or otherwise), not pay a honesty based fee at an area, steal fixed draws when no one was looking, get pissed when an oil worker asks you to move along so he can do his job, lie about what they have sent free, etc....

the "community" of climbers, I guess, is just a microcosm of the public at large, and has all the same attributes. we do as many drugs, drink too much alcohol, kick our dogs, abuse our family, lie and cheat, in the same percentages of those "out there". we are no "nicer" or "meaner" than anyone else.
sigh....i only wish it were different...(OK, I feel better.)
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Spragwa »

You're preaching to the choir bro. Thanks for the props :wink:
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by overhung »

I'm still for the ass-kicking. :D
I've had just about enough of this shit.
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Post by Steve »

Boy people sure get passionate about climbing some rocks. I'd think the clmber(s) in question would be less inclined to step forward and admit they had a confrontation when there is an angry mob wanting to run them up a pole. We can all be unhappy and pissed off about the whole thing, but do we really need the angy mob mentality? Besides who out there that climbed in that 'zoo' really didn't see this coming?

As for the whole sign thing, remember Pocket Wall? Climbers' were asked to stay away, they didn't.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by pigsteak »

well said steve....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.

Post by Guest »

With what is happening right now in the Southern Region, and knowing what we know about the Hominy Hole debacle - which threatened to close down ALL climbing in the DBNF - I don't understand how people can continue to be critical of the RRGCC. Who the fuck else is going to clean up the messes left by selfish, asshole climbers?

However, that said, I agree that going after this individual who allegedly had a confrontation with the oil workers is not going to help matters. Clearly this person needs to understand the effect his/her actions has had on ALL climbers, but I seriously doubt this individual is going to step forward with all the threats that have been made here. It's also irrelevent at this point. The RRGCC is working behind the scenes to secure access. If that happens, we ALL need to work together to prevent any un/informed climbers from creating a situation like this again in the future.
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Post by overhung »

There wouldn't be a need for RRGCC if there were more ass-kickings. Vigilantism worked in the past.... right? :lol:
I've had just about enough of this shit.

Post by Guest »

You bunch of pussies ain't gonna kick anybody's ass.So quit talking all bad-ass.Like you're gonna do something.

pigsteak wrote:

did the dude who spray painted the trees get made "an example" of, or was he lightly reprimanded and allowed to continue as part of the community?

Dear piggy,
Who the fuck are you?I don't want to be part of "your" community. So suck my skinny dick!
As for painting the trees.Yeah,I did it.So your mother could find her way to the crag.................And suck my dick!
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Post by gulliver »

For better or worse , a lot of climbers who access this site are out of the loop on this maybe , because this is in hte suck forum.
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