First photo is upper tier of the Rebel Camp Waterfall - about 50 feet. Second photo show entire waterfall, but distorted perspective due to lens. The lower tier is about 40feet. Photo Feb 16 2007
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
michaelarmand wrote:And sorry to hear about the death or your ice column Eric. I am guessing all of the 80 foot pillar was free standing? Too much weight for the rope...
Yeah I was pretty sure that even a 12mm static rope was not going to hold the weight of that much ice. When I was at the bottom looking at the aftermath, I felt verv vulnerable . Even at 18 inches across, this thing would have weighed tons. Then I thought about the folks climbing Everest and what they have to go through to climb that. All of a sudden, all of my climbing accomplishments seemed like nothing. Those people are the real deal.
pkananen wrote:We want a trip report and pictures of the 2010 KY Ice Expedition!
The expedition was a bust. The best looking line was out a solar collector, but it was not touching down. There is so much possibility out there, unfortunately we need 2 or more weeks of cold for these lines to be "in". The waterfalls that flow a lot are still pumping water, and the slow drips need to fatten up and reach the ground....
And it is going to get warm this week:( Better luck to the 2011 KY Ice Expedition Team!
I've been a gumby longer than you've been climbing.