first of all, you called it a "bunch of crap", then immediately said "There just isn't enough evidence yet to support or deny this claim." so im cornfused.Boonda wrote:After re-reading the report and sitting down with actual oncology doctors, it's a load of crap. There just isn't enough evidence yet to support or deny this claim. The study done is with such a small group, and leaves out a lot of important data that it just can't be fully listened to. Not that I don't support any type of approach to lowering cancer cases, a lot more evidence and studies need to be done.
If you want to smoke pot, smoke it. But don't try to use some half-assed report posted on to justify it.
interestingly, this study does support the claim. you probably meant to use the word 'prove', which you're right, it does not. also, oncologists aren't really in the same business as clinical researchers and statisticians. close, but not really close at all.
and besides, the fact that pot gets one super stoned should be enough of a justification for anybody. after all, we don't really eat mac donalds because of the health benefits...