I found a great new food that goes great with a lot of different dishes: Greek Yogurt. Tons of protein (22g/serving), no fat, lots of flavor. It's really creamy and has a taste similar to sour cream. I've made tuna salad with it, used it in place of mayo, you can do most anything with it really. I've been getting the Horizon Organic Oikos brand, and it's awesome.
yeah, I like greek yogurt too. Oikos is O.K., but FAGE is my favorite. The full fat is even more delicious, but... it is full fat.
And if you enjoy cooking, take a bit of leftover yogurt and use it to make your own. (don't need a yogurt maker or anything fancy -- just mix warm milk with yogurt (about half- gallon with a tablespoon), and keep in a warm place until set-- 6 hours to overnight.) My kids think it is magic.
yogurt is great for cooking up idian food. chicken korma on a cold winter day, oh yeah.....especially now that you can by descent Naan at the grocery store even!
No whey! I'm sold on this. Ricotta cheese has a higher protein content as well (28 gram/serving) and I thought I read last week mor aminos. Mmmmm .... manicotti.
Yogurt? Um, it is made out of milk and yogurt culture...
It's just strained twice to remove more of the whey and thus, the liquid leaving it more creamier. Avoid "greek-style" (such as Trader Joe's) which is traditional yogurt with thickening agents.