Brilliant Orange at the Gold Goast

Gaston? High Step? Drop Knee? Talk in here.
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Post by allah »

sounds good ill let you know what my plans are when i find out
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Post by DKing »

I, like everyone else, thank all of you who bust your a$$es, spend your money, and spend your time putting up routes. However, I feel like the payoff for all those things would be seeing others climb and enjoy the route. Whats the cool part bout leaving a route red tagged?? Hearing everyone talk bout how good the moves, bolting, and line are in general would be far more rewarding then waiting any amount of time to bag the route first. I have never climbed a red tag route and I never will until the ethics change, but I know others (including bolters) who feel the same way as I. You created the route and will always receive full credit for soing so.............Do people care who climbed what when?? or do they care and appreciate what the quality of your routes are??

again thanks for putting up great lines for us to climb...
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Post by Spragwa »

I think y'all rock too. I want to ditto Rob about Neal Strickland. He puts up awesome routes and has given a lot to the Red...including a lot of Funk Rock.

As for these new "ethics" I find it ironic that some people, not necessarily on this thread so don't get your panties in a bunch, pitch a fit saying that the Coalition is going to make rules and restrict acess, etc. And yet here people are wanting to put limits on the amount of time a bolter can take to do his route. That's kinda screwy in my view. Oh and also, dumb.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.


Post by Guest »

WTF!!! Time to go to class SEE YA..........
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Post by Wes »

Well, at the rate I have been breaking holds lately, you really don't want me on any projects. My take is that the FA should always get the benifet of the doubt, but that they also carry the resposablity of knowing when to say when. Respect is something that goes both ways.

I also think that there should be a "Bolter's fund" right next to the bolt fund. Any money goes to the people putting up the routes so they can buy beer and/or pizza. I think people have a hard time understanding how routes get put up, or even more, how hardware gets replaced. The bolt fairies are always busy.

"There is no secret ingredient"

Po, the kung fu panda
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Post by rmcfall »

That is a kind gesture...thanks, however it isn't necessary. But thanks.

I can understand what you are saying about not sending a route and just getting on it. However, red tags (at least around here) have always meant to stay off. Some projects are put up that have no tags, but are still considered one's project. And in some cases there are really good reasons for tags when a route might need some cleaning and even reinforcement before it is climbable.

Oh well. This topic has been beaten into the ground.

Take care,

allah wrote:To me, personally I feel as long as I dont do the route then it is ok to get on it, ive always believed the person who bolts it should be the one who does it first, unless they open it up. I've always believed that and have always stuck by it. Another thing, I haven't bolted anything yet, but you know I was at the Military maintiance this past Sat.and the weather was awesome too, I'm not part of the coalition. I'm not trying to be a dick and do your project thats not me and that isn't the way I am/work. Hey, I'll tell you what, when you get a chance to get back to the Red, let me know and I'll buy/cook you dinner and hell I'll even buy you what ever beer you want, so we can talk about all this in person, cause I dont want anyone having beef with me or vise versa. My e-mail it, let me know if you would be up for that.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

Yes, Red tags don't always mean that the route hasn't been sent by the bolter yet.

I have red tagged a route because of a loose block that I couldn't remove until I was alone and knew that there was no-one below.

Here is a trick that some around here use....don't place the hanger on the bottom bolt until you are ready to free the route. That way no one else is tempted.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
Joe Finney
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Post by Joe Finney »

sandy really said something like that. Ah, I dont believe it. I sometimes take the first bolt of my routes til I send...

Post by Guest »

The biggest satisfaction that I have gotten out of bolting the route that I did is, I Know that Since the creation of this planet.I am the first person to have ever touched the rock that I was on.I was a humbling and fulfilling feeling.I felt like God had a secret and he was sharing it with me.

Post by Guest »

yoda wrote:sandy really said something like that. Ah, I dont believe it.
No kidding! Where's the freakin angel smiley??
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