Spraylord Wanted
So does someone need to start an Anti-Spray thread or would this fall under the Weekend Idiot Report?tambo2 wrote:Hamsco hasn't replied because Hamsco is still in the gorge and hopefully (I would owe you big time) retrieving gear (using a 60 m rope this time)!
Pick myself up, stop lookin' back.
Grand Funk Railroad
Grand Funk Railroad
i had a pretty great weekend this weekend. saturday: TR'd broken chicken wing for a warmup, probably should have led it, oh well, next time, then gave my go at the on-site on rebar... haha. once i fell the first time it was over, probably 5 falls/sits total. got on a TR lap for my 2nd try and got it clean minus a quick slip of the foot. 3rd lap on TR got it clean, just barely pulling over the top. that about did me in, so we ran up whatever that crappy bolted 9 to the left of it is, then i rapped down riptide ride and cleared the moss, grass, and wasps from the crack. did a TR lap to look for gear placements (just looking, no actual sussing) and i was done for the day. sunday: we went up to pebble beach, i did enviromental impact, central scrutinizer and scabies. my buddy got brontosaurus his 3rd lead attempt for the day, i happily TR'd being shot from the day before. also TR'd zambezi plunge and the seam. might actually try to lead the latter some day. good hard weekend, all in all, now i have some projects, some easy some hard.