Coming of Age

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Post by charlie »

My advice........ not that I have really any clue about anything other than how clueless I am about most careful when you think you've got it figured out any better than anyone else. Most of life's important lessons have to be learned on your own.

That said, all you can do is lead by example. If your example proves to be a useful way to handle things, more likely than not others will be influenced by that example. Changing the world is a full time gig and all I can ever hope to do is make babysteps in the right direction with each lifetime.
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Post by Wes »

Meh, we are but meat, innervated for while, just to return to nothingness. All the new age, touchy freely hippy shit to the contrary. Why does life have to be more then it is? Seems like only a selfish, big ego would want more then what they have. Just accept that you are just some random bits and pieces that can somewhat think and act, embrace it, and do what you can to be happy with it.
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Post by gripster »

charlie wrote:My advice........ not that I have really any clue about anything other than how clueless I am about most careful when you think you've got it figured out any better than anyone else. Most of life's important lessons have to be learned on your own.

That said, all you can do is lead by example. If your example proves to be a useful way to handle things, more likely than not others will be influenced by that example. Changing the world is a full time gig and all I can ever hope to do is make babysteps in the right direction with each lifetime.
Well said! Some of the most influential people in history didn't cram their beliefs down peoples throats, but led others by example. If you are an exemplary person then I am sure those around you will benefit from it, much more so than they would from a philosophical debate.
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Post by dhuff »

Well, the general operating system people are using is ego. This operating system is helpful only in gaining money, assets, titles, etc. because it causes us to focus solely on what we can get from a certain relationship, job, or other experience. I'm sure you agree with that. It thus creates a competitive mindset in which we set ourselves apart from our fellow humans (some of whom, I must agree, are just plain stupid) in order to 'win' or 'succeed' no matter how everyone else is affected. The ego loves rewards of worldly pleasure such as the things listed early in this paragraph. So I don't think that any of what I've just said is something you would disagree with.

Having established that, let's look at the nature of the soul. The nature of the soul--which is our true self; the body is just a vessel--is to give freely. The soul accepts all others openly. The soul wants to help others as much as possible. The soul is pure in all aspects, not tainted by worldly temptations or the urge to hold some form of power over anyone else. I think that also is something we can all agree on.

It would be ridiculous for me to try to say that I have perfected this way of living. It's not an easy thing to do in a society that is built around having the ego as the operating system for everyday life. But do you see how the self-serving nature of the ego stifles the selflessness of the soul? The ego is a construct of the mind that suppresses our true selves.

So now to answer the question, gripster. I feel that everyone should have the same realization I have, because if everyone suddenly realized that the most beneficial thing we can do is to abandon the ego, it seems like the world would suddenly be a much better place. And that may seem like madness to some, but is it really? Is this really such a lunatic notion? Maybe if you have no faith in your fellow humans. But man, I know that the suppression of the true goodness in our hearts can only last so long. So I'm trying to help everyone break free of the operating system that has been subconsciously downloaded for them, and to replace it with one that allows for free thought, free expression, love, and awareness of the true self.
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Post by JeffCastro »

It is very egotistical to assume that we will all agree with you that humans have a soul.
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Post by caribe »

Wow, I agree with that innervated piece of meat called Wes. :lol:
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Post by anticlmber »

Wes wrote: Why does life have to be more then it is? Seems like only a selfish, big ego would want more then what they have.

Just accept that you are just some random bits and pieces that can somewhat think and act, embrace it, and do what you can to be happy with it.

wes, because life IS more than it is. if that weren't the case you wouldn't be at torrent, shooting pics, and filling socks with the hate of your balls. you know better than any that the 9-5, take, take, latte' is B.S. to want more for EVERYONE is the farthes thing from selfish/ego. if it weren't for the better of society many of our everday things would be the realm of the greedy.

we are random; bits, pieces, and all other stuff. but if those pieces seek to become bigger than their itty-bittiness than they must do what makes them happy. if it is helping the other pieces become bigger and better as well then what is so wrong with that. we've seen enough of when the big try to make the small smaller. why not a different approach?
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Post by Wes »


Nope. Why does there have to me something more? Why do people always want an explanation outside themselves? There is plenty inside, without anything extra. Kinda like why do people think they have to be in the woods to experience nature? Nature is everywhere, from the urban alley rat to suburban lawns as well. Why are wolves in yellowstone somehow more "natural" then a backyard robin? Same reason people chase all that touchy freely new age crap - they always look for something "mysterious" and outside themselves for the answers. Don't. Just enjoy what you have, what you really have, and don't always look for some illusion that just seems somehow cooler. Reality is cool, if you only accept it.

BTW, do I know you?
"There is no secret ingredient"

Po, the kung fu panda
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Post by Wes »

Kung Fu Panda wrote:
Mr. Ping: The secret ingredient is... nothing!
Po: Huh?
Mr. Ping: You heard me. Nothing! There is no secret ingredient.
Po: Wait, wait... it's just plain old noodle soup? You don't add some kind of special sauce or something?
Mr. Ping: Don't have to. To make something special you just have to believe it's special.
Po: There is no secret ingredient
"There is no secret ingredient"

Po, the kung fu panda
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Post by charlie »

I kinda think we may miss the point of things when we focus on whether we're "pieces of meat" or not, or whether there is a reward or punishment when said piece of meat's time has come. Who cares how valuable your current body is? It's at best a flash in the pan so it's not really useful to discuss it, or get hung up on it. Nobody gets out of life alive.

But then it's not new age touchy feely crap to understand actions have effects (that concept is built on teachings closer to 3000 yrs old). I don't really care about what happens after the transition, maybe there's something, maybe there's nothing, it doesn't really matter to me. I have faith that if I act properly, and influence things positively when I influence them at all, then everything is going to work out not only for me for for those that I meet on the path.

If after this one I get another step, then I hope to be better prepared to rock the next step. If this is the only step, then I want to believe I rocked this step. No reason to make it any more complex than that.

Saying there is nothing to it and we are simply pieces of meat really doesn't do it for me. If that were the case why not embrace the anarchy and chaos that results from no sort of cooperation at all? I know y'all too well to believe you don't think it matters if we play nice or not.

I guess my basis to understanding the gig is not built on the material that's making the motions, rather it's the motions made by this material.
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