Oct 23 & 24, Photoscenic Kentucky, Natural Bridge

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Oct 23 & 24, Photoscenic Kentucky, Natural Bridge

Post by Glenrider »

We've received this news from Lexington Photographer John W. Snell - - -

"Canon and Murphy's Camera (Lex/Lou) are sponsoring Photoscenic Kentucky, a photography weekend, at Natural Bridge State Resort Park the weekend of October 23rd and 24th. Fellow Lexington photographer/RRG enthusiast David Coyle is speaking on Friday night and I'll be talking Saturday night about photographing in the Gorge.

Lodge and cabin rooms are nearly all booked up for the weekend. Typically, lodging facilities fill up in October anyway, but the addition of a photography weekend that's attracted some 80 or so registrants as of two days ago, accommodations are at a premium. I have only recently learned that photo competitions are part of the weekend, as are Saturday morning photo outings.

Again, folks need to contact Bill Luster (billluster@mac.com) to get their name on the list of attendees and to find out the particulars about the competition and other aspects of the weekend.

I'm anxious for the colors to arrive. Despite dry summers in 2007 and 2008, we had some of the best color I've seen in the gorge. I don't know what this year will bring. Colors should be popping in the next week!"
- John W. Snell
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Post by Wes »

Dave is defiantly worth seeing - he is also the UK team photographer. I have an engagement shoot Friday and wedding Saturday, so can't make it, but if you are into the photography thing, you should check it out for sure.

Colors are starting to change - might even try to do some landscape stuff this week, though I suck at it.
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Post by clif »

you sucked long before it was cool wes, but WTF does 'landscape' perspective sucking have to do different than normal everyday sucking?
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