Hey Y'all. I'm looking to buy a bigger and better crashpad. Anybody out there know of some good deals? I already have 3, but I'd like something larger so I can go even higher. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jared.
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
True. The Magnum was my first choice, but oddly enough I haven't been able to find any local outfitters who carry Misty Mountain pads and it is no longer on their website.
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
misty stopped making the magnum because people didn't want to pay for a bad-ass american made crash pad anymore. there is one for sale on the CCC website right now at: http://www.carolinaclimbers.org/message ... ainmenu-28
I have one of the magnums and I highly recommend it.