Food for extended day climbs?

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Food for extended day climbs?

Post by TradMike »

What do you take to eat on extended day climbs? I usually take several cliff bars, an apple and trail mix. What would you take if it entailed 24hrs of on the go?
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Post by DriskellHR »

PB&J with toast and PB on both sides with J in the middle so the bread does not get soggy. I also like the protien powers bars, they work well.
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Post by krampus »

don't forget to cut the crust off
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Post by Meadows »

a nice sandwich in a soft-material cooler, unless it's really cold out. no cooler needed!
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Post by Barnacle Ben »

Mingua Brothers Cajun Beef Jerky.

It is a gift from the gods.
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Post by Savage »

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Post by kdelap »

Bars. Sunflower seeds. Granola. Chocolate.

and a starbucks doubleshot!!!! This is the most improtant!
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Post by Ascentionist »

As much as I hate to say it: power gel or clif shots.

I did a 120 mile bike ride in july which involved significant climbing and the week before i was thwarted on a shorter ride because i ran out of gas.

I took someone's advice on my big ride and in addition to the occasional clif bar and aid station muffins and watermelon i took an energy gel packet once an hour. I still had energy at the end of the day.

I think with long climbs they'd work just as good. Make sure you drink plenty with them, and if you're doing really high intensity activity do half water and half sports drink (not the low carb stuff though).
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Post by camhead »

Ascentionist wrote:As much as I hate to say it: power gel or clif shots.
Yeah, we use those powerbar "gel blasts" for climbing boosts in the afternoon, and they work really well. Also, in less specialized foods, regular cheap pretzels are pretty key for sodium as well as simple, quick burning carbs.
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Post by GWG »

peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.
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