Does anyone know if that wonderful foot hold on Doppler Effect is chipped. Its about 5/6 of the way up the vertical crack befor the roof section. It sure doesn't look natural and looks like there is drill grooves. I have just never heard of anyone chipping a crack, and would be sad if it was chipped. Just wondering.
Think about it Verbal. Why would you add a foot to the 5.7 crack portion of a 5.10 crack? You may use that foot but I doubt if it really makes it that much easier. If you were going to add holds(or footholds) to Doppler it would be coming out of that corner(the crux). I would bet the farm that it just looks chipped.
First time I saw it, I thought it might be a chipped, but after kinda looking at it again, and thinking about it, I don't think it is. At worst, it could be some kinda of funky pin scar from way back in the day.
I think that was drilled too, you can see the bit tracks. pin scars look different. The only reason I could come up with was that it was done to free a stuck cam. Anybody remember ever seeing a cam stuck in there?