I would like to know an estimate of what the climber population is in Lexington. I know that not everyone has listed the correct city as a location but still, there are many that do list correctly. Is there any way to gather that info ? When there was talk of a gym here I would guess that someone looked at that.
Oh My God.
A climber would be a person that applies shoes to rock and goes up. I guess that if you don't participate on an annual basis or more your commitment might be in question. I just wanted a wild estimate of how many people from this area go out there now and then. Yeah it is hard to realistically estimate.
I really wanted to get my shoes resoled locally and was curious as to what sort of demand there might be for a resole service nearby. This time of year the turnaround time kinda sucks for a lot of places. I think I gotta just buy a new pair.
So your poll is to determine whether or not Lexington can support a climbing shoe resole service? What the heck is going on down there? Send the damn things to yosemite bum or rubber room.
Yosemite Bum it is.
And another pair of shoes, to hold me over 'till they get done. And shipping both ways.
And dammit I just want to take them to the local cobbler and pick 'em up the next day.
....with every step he takes ... every move he makes....
odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.