Healing After a Workout

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Healing After a Workout

Post by Dariusoherran »

Ok, so I've gotten pretty good at the whole training myself thing, so good that the next day I can hardly walk or wash my own hair. However, aside from not training (Cause I know that's the simple answer) How can I heal up faster. What can I eat, do, or whatever to make myself not limp around like Igor the day or two after I do a strenuous workout?
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Post by Spragwa »

A friend of mine suggested a cocktail of 1000IUs of vitamin E with 1000 mg of vitamin C. This works well to flush the lactic acid from your system. Take it before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning. I do it religiously, it helps.
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Post by Dariusoherran »

1000 IUs of Vitamin E. Do I take a Vitamin E pill and a Vitamin C pill, or do these come in liquid form?
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Post by Spragwa »

My understanding is that the normal Vitamin E pill comes in 400 IUs So I take two of those and 2 500 mg Vitamin C pills with a glass of water. I don't know about liquid form though.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

Protein, protein, protein.

it plays the important role of repairing all of the torn muscle fibres. so..... if you can get lots of it in your system...it should help.
Red meat, chicken, fish, etc.

vegen? how about beans, nuts, and soy?

Also......stretch....as much as you can. It really helps. especially right after your workout because stretching all of those muscles that you just used helps to flush the lactic acid out more quickly so that the little protein repair guys can do their job. :)
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Post by Guest »

I know very little about all these pills and powders because I just eat everything and take no supplements, but I have been told that consuming protein after a workout will help with muscle recovery. Is that accurate?

Personally I prefer to get my required nutrients through foods. Ideally whole foods in as close to their natural state as possible, but this isn't always practical so I make do. I usually scarf down tuna with mayo (for fat) and bread or crackers (for carbs) at some point during my climbing day and then a balanced meal (w/protein fat and carbs) in the evening as well as tons of snacks throughout the day. Extracting one component of food sources and putting it in a pill doesn't always deliver the complimentary and often required other components to allow your body to fully absorb and utilize what you are looking to get. It's also just too danged complicated.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

You are right Sandy. protein after a workout will help with muscle recovery.

I usually add some protein to OJ or something to cram in me just after a work out, but I also try and keep my protein intake high all the time with lots meat because it is hard to have the protein shake with you at the right time.
May I suggest cold water white fish as a great protein item and also a great way to get your 'good fats' the Omega 3 fatty acids!
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Post by merrick »

take some protien before the workout, say a powebar and eat some protien directly after the workout, say a can of tuna. By directly after I mean within 45 minutes. This is key. Also consume some anti-oxidents and stretch. it also doesn't hurt to do some light activity(not bouldering) the day after to help flush the lactic acid out. and stay well vitamin-nated(not really a word but you know what i mean). It is also very important to stay well hydrated. Keep a water bottle next to you at work and sip on it constantly all day.

The Sports Nutrition Almanac is a useful reference to have around.
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Post by Jeff »

One word....(and a letter)

Of course protien/carbs/veggies/vitamins/muchos water are important too!
captain static
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Post by captain static »

In my opinion it is actually good if you are feeling some soreness because you know you've gotten a good workout. As I have said in similar threads before you need to have protein before working out to build muscle and need glycogen (I drink UltraFuel) right after so your body doesn't burn muscle. On the L-Glut, here is the info on the protein supplement I use:

http://www.royalbodycare.com/Supp_Facts ... _facts.pdf
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