Lost empty Slim Fast

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Lost empty Slim Fast

Post by gus »

For the person who apparently lost their empty Slim Fast can (chocolate) in the Sore Heel Hollow Parking lot on Saturday...I found it! I brought it back to Miguel’s and placed in the recycling trailer with all the other cans.

Crazy how the person who lost the can must have thrown it under their truck when they were done consuming (my guess was to keep it shaded from the sun). Enjoyed a day of climbing. Then before leaving they felt guilty and didn't want to risk running over this precious performance enhancing drink...so they chose to throw the can in the woods. Poor little guy, left out there in the sun to decompose sometime in the next century.

You’re lucky I didn't get a picture of your truck and create lost posters...pick up your sh*t.

No back to being chill.
successfully beating anorexia