knee pads

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Do knee pads change the grade of a route

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knee pads

Post by rustyvasectomy »

Ever since the red has "hit the map" if you will, I have seen an influx of new age sport climbing tactics. Among the most prevalent is knee padding, where chicken legged sport climbers duct tape pieces of rubber to their pasty knees. Now, many classic climbs (dirty smelly hippie for instance) are being walked with such rubber pads. So, if someone does a route with a knee pad, do they deserve the same credit (i.e. 8a points) as someone that does one without?
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Post by Izzy »

Not that I'm a kneepad user, but think it falls along the same lines as taping ones hands for crack climbing.
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Post by toad857 »

kneepads are off-route. pretty lame, in my book.
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Post by Andrew »

As a very wise man once said. "If you don't wear it during everyday life, you can't wear it sport climbing." Since the only person I know who wears kneepads 24 hours a day is Anticlimber, he is allowed.
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Post by p0bray01 »

Considering I tape up heavily for 5.9 offwidths plus wear extra clothing and high socks and considering that the route in aforementioned post is "SLIGHTLY" higher grade than what I have ever climbed on sport or Trad for that guys can wear whatever the hell ya want! :wink:

Again just my opinion.
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Post by Wes »

Besides this being a candadate for the gheyist thread of the week...

Since is a Euro site and kneepads are a very Euro thing (along with drop knees and actually training), I would have to say that no, you shouldn't get less points for kneepads.

PS, kneedpads are not that new to the red.
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Post by gus »

With the exception of anti's sponsorship for a branded knee pad company, I have seen very few people climb w/ knee pads in the red. It's no way close to rifle, maple, and other well know pad crags. Those cats take it to another level by shaving, spray adhesives, and other crazy shenanigans that I will never even come close to attempting. I mean how many 5.9's can one really hook a knee bar. In all, I really shave that part of my leg for Anti :oops:
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Post by rhunt »

If sticky rubber knee pads don't count then sticky rubber climbing shoes don't count. Welcome to the evolution.
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Post by SCIN »

Chris Sharma and Dave Graham have worn knee pads for some very tough ascents. They make the calls. We follow. Your opinion doesn't matter.
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Post by mcrib »

worry less about other people and the question will answer itself.
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