Closing Routes (once again)

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Do you support the redtagging of routes?

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Post by schwagpad »

By the way, for all you red-taggers out there, don't worry, I have NOT made an "ascent" of each and every one of your projects. Mwaaa ha ha!
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Post by allah »

I've always wanted to have a a reason to put a Copperhead in someones rope bag or back pack
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Post by p0bray01 »

Wow such hostility....can't we all just get along? :roll: :lol:
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Post by bcombs »

[quote="schwagpad"]First, we need to figure out who this angry anonymous poster is. If I just look at ᴙↂᵷƔÈ
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Post by heavyc »

Thanks Pigsteak and all of you other route equippers, keep putting up great routes and redtagging them as you see fit. BTW I think an arbitrary time of two weeks to red tag a route is ridiculous as not everyone that climbs, or develops routes in the Red live there or in Lexington and some of the time life happens and getting back to finish a project can take some time.
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Post by DHB »

this thread is dumb
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Post by Rotarypwr345704 »

I have great respect for the bolters/equippers out there and I would like to say: Thanks for taking the time!!! I don't like trad, therefore I need someone to place bolts for me.

BUT. Seeing that little red tag at the base of a route makes it naughty to climb and therefore makes it all the more appealling... Or am I the only one that feels this way?
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Post by pigsteak »

here is what I have thought of doing. after bolting a line, if I "think" can do it, I just go ahead and submit it to the online guide, and list myself as the FA. it's lying of course, but this way the masses never know the difference, and I get to work on the line as time permits.

biggest problem with this, and it gets back to yanni's original query, is that being the first to climb that piece of rock holds something special. no chalk at all..if you've never had that pleasure of figuring out beta on chalkless rock, you wouldn't understand. but unlocking the puzzle gets back to the reason many of us climb, and to steal that from the equipper seems (to me) as downright immoral. and if the line is beyond my abilities, I get to make the decision to open it up to the masses, or hand it off to ray or brad. sorry folks, but WHEN to open a line is not open to community discussion.

go equip your own lines, and make the decision for your lines. thousands of lines await.
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Post by Lateralus »

Well sometimes you just can't get over a person's sense of entitlement. Even though there are usually too many routes for the selfish person to climb at any given area, they wanna do your new project, wtf? Reason, because you don' t own the rock,because it's there? wow that's some gratitude right there. Some developers don't care who sends a new line they equipped and open it immediately. But if someone does care about the FA and they paid for the hardware and did all the work maybe one should have some class and ask them if it's OK with them if you got on the line they opened up? This is just common courtesy practiced by respectful climbers, no one says you have to be a respectful person, if you aren't well ain't karma a bitch! The flip side is every so often someone bolts lines over their heads and wants to horde them for?? ever?? Line goes in, you got 1 year to send it, seems like a consensus at most areas ? If that is too long for one to send you shouldn't have bolted something you can't send in the foreseeable future. Let someone stronger bolt it or open it up if you do sink the Hardware, you're a hero either way.
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Post by michaelarmand »

Doesn't Muir have a red tag time limit? Shouldn't there be another ethics based time limit for other crags? Is it even an issue? How many routes have been closed for years with a red tag? Are there any more questions I could possibly ask?
I've been a gumby longer than you've been climbing.
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