PMRP Trail Day - April 18

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PMRP Trail Day - April 18

Post by Josephine »

Jack Dickey has graciously offered to head a PMRP Spring Trail Day
Saturday, April 18th, 2009
8:00 am till ???
Meet at the Sore Heel Parking Lot at 8:00 am.
Dress for outdoor work (with optional afternoon and evening climbing apparel).
Tools needed are shovels, picks, pry bars, spades, rakes, loppers and pruners
Simple bridge building materials (4X4s and 2X4s) and tools (saws, hammers, deck screws,etc)
Trash bags

Projects include:

1. Repair remaining trails that were damaged by the storm.
2. Start stabilizing and reclaiming the denuded hillside leading down to the parking lot and make specific path for trail that traverses top of said hillside.
3. Make steps for the beginning of the above mentioned trail.
4. Increase span of bridge at the beginning of another trail so that ends of bridge do not stress the banks of creek.
5. Remove litter.
6. Build a footbridge or relocate short one across soupy area near parking lot.
7. As many other tasks as we can get done!

Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can have a better idea of how to allocate workers. You can PM me or respond to the facebook event invite (which will be posted shortly).

"Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game." ~ Under the Tuscan Sun
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Post by Josephine »

thanks to all who are planning to participate.

to those who can't help out this go-round. another one is in the works for june.

now i need a big favor. i have wood to use for a bridge. it's located here in lexington. it needs to get to the sore heal parking lot by saturday morning. i do not have a vehicle that can take it. can you help me?

also - i need a ride for myself on saturday into the PMRP. if you can take either me, the wood or both - please let me know! :-)
"Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game." ~ Under the Tuscan Sun
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Post by Josephine »

well i got a ride for me - but i don't have a ride for the wood. if you have a pick up truck and can drop it off in the sore heal parking lot on saturday even if you're not planning to participate in the trail day that would be very much appreciated!

pretty please.
"Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game." ~ Under the Tuscan Sun
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