I'm planning a trip to Thailand next year. It'll be two weeks (hopefully between february and april). It's a nice little trade off...go to Afghanistan, the Army sends you anywhere you want to go for two weeks. I figure Thailand would be decent
Anyway, anybody been? From researching, Railay Beach seems to be the most developed spot. Anywhere else that's a must? Anything to steer clear of? Any deals that are worth while? Anthing not worth the bahts?
I have plenty of time to plan, obviously, but everything will still be last minute...
I've got to put in for three date ranges of 15 days. I figure mid to late february, possibly to include Valentine's Day. Some range in March to include the 20th. The last would be some range in April to include my birthday on the 14th. My preference would be March, though.
Thailand is off the hook; cheap, beautiful, and friendly locals. I stayed in a resort on the beach for about $20 per night. Fly into Bangkok, party in Pattaya and then head further south for beaches and climbing.
Spent a few days there while in the Navy, it IS very beautiful, and you can live like a king on just a couple of hundred bucks. Be wary of the women, the water and the cab drivers. Pay attention in your foreign travel briefings, that info can really save your ass. Pattaya is off the hook when it comes to bars and entertainment, but depending on your timing could be crawling with squids. Bangkok is cool too but being a bigger city is a bit more dangerous and easy to get lost in, always carry a map. DO NOT even consider buying drugs, and you probably want to pass on getting a tattoo. When it comes to souvenir's don't pay any more than half the asking price. Have fun, be careful and thanks for serving.