for handgun owners- carry in the Red?

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Post by Rollo »

Snowpuppy wrote:I carry when I'm out camping, it's a great way to keep away nosey neighbors. Hey us females have to defend ourselves.
....mark off list of women to terrorize.
And on the third day, God created the Red River Gorge(by conjecture), and he saw that it was good.
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Post by DriskellHR »

Man 90% of locals are chill and laid back. As long as you dont act like an idiot, or treat them like they are nothing but rednecks you wont have a problem. To this day some of the best folks I know live in the area and have their whole life. I'm not saying they dont carry guns. But I never worry about it. They are more likely to stop and help you out when you need it, than most of the climber douchbags that visit the area.

As long as we respect them and their home, we can get along fine.......

a little skewed from the topic but its the reason I dont feel the need to pack a weapon.....
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Post by whatahutch »

I second Driskell. I am more wary of climber douches than local yocals. Maybe that is because I grew up in Ky woods. My 12 gauge and SKS don't pack up so well, kinda heavy and cumbersome, but the 3-80 I am about to get from my momma (she's a felon, it's illegal for her to keep it) for my wife will fit just fine in a pack.
Watch out climber douches, we ky local yocals are about to revolt.
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Post by Xtant »

I don't really understand the mentality of "I carry here, but not here." If you carry, carry everywhere all the time. Possibility of ever needed it are remote, anyway, but it is just good practice to carry all the time if you intend to carry.

If you don't carry, then don't. Whatever floats your boat :D
Sure is a lot of fun while you're doing it...
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Post by pigsteak »

DriskellHR wrote:Man 90% of locals are chill and laid back. As long as you dont act like an idiot, or treat them like they are nothing but rednecks you wont have a problem. To this day some of the best folks I know live in the area and have their whole life. I'm not saying they dont carry guns. But I never worry about it. They are more likely to stop and help you out when you need it, than most of the climber douchbags that visit the area.

As long as we respect them and their home, we can get along fine.......

a little skewed from the topic but its the reason I dont feel the need to pack a weapon.....
and just when the love vibe said that climbers were the coolest, you had to reverse course.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by mazzilliuTheGreat »

Handguns and rock climbing makes a perfect combination.

Personally, every time I climb a cliff I bring my trusty gun. If the cliff gives me trouble, I shoot it.

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Post by ReachHigh »

mazzilliuTheGreat wrote:Handguns and rock climbing makes a perfect combination.

Personally, every time I climb a cliff I bring my trusty gun. If the cliff gives me trouble, I shoot it.

how else do those monos get in there.
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Post by Ascentionist »

DriskellHR wrote:I'm not saying they dont carry guns.
Most don't. I know. I was one.

The ones that do are probably crazy or up to no good. So the fact that you have a gun if you meet up with them means squat.
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Post by steep4me »

I think guys are oblivious as to how often women are in danger if they go anywhere alone. But when I go climb--I'm never alone, so I don't need my gun. I don't really expect crazy psychos to come out of the woodwork in most situations, but when I am out alone, I have had several instances where some creep sees an opportunity and tries to grab me. I'm actually testifying in a murder trial right now because the last guy --who tried to tackle me on my bike in 2005 actually raped and murdered another woman a year later. (tackled her off her bike on the same trail--hmmm)

So, I do take my gun (with my carry permit) when I camp alone or bike alone or in my car. But, I don't feel paranoid enogh to carry one everywhere. The only time I run into trouble is if some guy sees me "out and about" by myself.
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Post by gunslnga »

I have always lived with the addage better to have it and not need it, than, need it and not have it! As far as pack weight??? come on, Smith makes an Airweight that weight several ounces, I've seen people pack Cams, the size of their heads, that have no place in the Gorge, on their slings, over hill and dale.... Were talking about a small pistol, not an AK-47! Nobody on here would argue a first aid kit of any kind, or perhaps even a snake bite kit, so why not a firearm? I know they have been taboo'd by the illinformed but in this day and age. I hate statistics, so I won't spout any, but the chances of you encountering a gun in an evil manner are slim, in a positive manner, greater. Miguel is an Enthusiast, so is Spencer, and those of you who know/remember me, know my stance/livlihood..... Anyway, it's not yet 100% totally legal to pack in concealed carry in the park, but they're working on it. That will only legalize what has been happening forever anyway! There are more legit reasons to carry than you want/will realize to carry, the Gorge is not Utopia, and will never be.......As always, for what it's worth, my 2cents.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
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