I will make one more analogy then I will drop the subject. It's not that I don't enjoy a good intelligent discussion, it's just that opinion wars can only drag out so far. It's like debating politics and religion. My final word is this. To me, climbing is an individual sport. I am happiest when I am crying blood trying my hardest to better myself at something. For anyone out there who has ever lifted weights (consistently, not as a hit or miss type deal, but not in training for a specific sport...eg., bodybuilding, football... either)...What would you have said if someone had come up to you and told you "Hey man, why do you want to keep trying to bench press more? You already bench XXX pounds, why not just lift for the enjoyment of it instead of chasing numbers?"
Is Ro Shampo really a 12?
So which is better... Moutain Dew or Ale 8? I appreciate the local flavor, but I was raised on good ole Mountain Dew. When I was 4 and was living with my grandparents, I'd cross the street with my grandpa and visit the fire station where they had a pop machine that you lifted the lid and slid the bottles along metal rails and try not to drop them before you got them out. He'd give me a dime for a bottle that had a picture of a hillbilly with a cork flying out of a bottle through his hat with a slogan "Yahoo, Moutain Dew! It'll tickle yer innards!" It had quite an effect on me.