Julie is my Hero

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Julie is my Hero

Post by Andrew »

Well, sometimes I am not the best at story telling, but here we go.

I was at a bouldering comp on saturday at WSU. I really didn't expect anyone I knew to show up besides the person who they brought in to set for it. Next thing I know Julie walks in.

Once the comp starts Julie and I are crushing everything, and are easily heading towards victory. As the comp finishes I say to Julie,
"Julie, I really think you beat me." Which she responds, "No way" I say, "No, for cereal."

We add up our scores and of course Julie beats me. Julie is psyched to have beaten me and is looking forward to the good prizes that we had been told about from the organizers.

I am going to leave out some details, they may be added later, but Julie does win Women 1st and gets her prize.

Guess what she wins...

A box of gum, and fruit roll ups.

I won a crash pad.

I guess that is what you get for beating me, sucka.
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Post by Brentucky »

I say Indian Burn his ass into submission and take the pad even if he's willing to give it up without a fight! :lol:
efil lanrete... i enjoy the sound, but in truth i find this seductively backward idea to be quite frightening
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Post by pigsteak »

the latest proof that indoor comps are ridiculous. btw Andrew, what in the world will you do with a crash pad..sleep on it?
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Andrew »

Sometimes my wife gets mad at me and I need a place to sleep. Maybe Julie will chime in with her side of the story.
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Post by TankAzz »

ha ha...

yes, i will fill in a few details. this was a "choose your own prize" comp, much like a "choose your own adventure" book. who in their right mind would choose a "mystery prize?" well, normally, i never would. however, we happened to be standing near grady when one of the wright state guys came up to discuss the prizes with grady. grady was like, "oh, you guys will both get crash pads," at which this guy brought up the "mystery prizes" that were donated by the outdoor club or something. i scoffed at them, and he (in all seriousness) told us they were "different, but EQUAL in quality" to crash pads, and he stated he'd be EQUALLY HAPPY with either. he then proceeded to make me feel like a dick by telling me that if i have a crash pad already, i really shouldn't take one, because there were other people there who needed one.

thinking i would be the nice guy (and feeling like i was getting something sweet anyways), i took a mystery prize. last time i checked, fruit roll-ups and gushers did not equate to a $200 crash pad. i went up the the guy and was like, WTF, at which point he changed his story and said he told us they were VASTLY different in quality. he was like, "i just said i personally would be happy with either."

WTF?!?! i went to the comp assuming the prizes would suck (as they often do at college comps), but just wanted to climb. i really had fun, and think eric did a great job with the setting. however, i left with a really sour taste in my mouth. this would be a funny story if i was just stupid enough to pick the prize on my own, but i really felt like i got suckered.

i just hope my entry fee went towards paying eric for his setting, rather than to help pay for some trick-ass hippie go on climbing trips. never trust a guy with dreds...
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Post by TankAzz »

above all, let's not forget the most important part of the day...

the midgets triumphed over the giants yesterday
Courtesy of Andrew: "I don't think you will damage your escort unless she trips because she is so strung out on blow. Most people just take them to the rest area."
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Post by 512OW »

"some trick-ass hippie"


Thats funny... last year at the same comp, Rachel and I won, and they at the last minute decided that the mountain bikes they had displayed should go to the 2nd place winners in each category...

Sounds a little fishy!
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Post by Artsay »

Grrrr!!!! :evil:
That's such BS!

Julie, next time I see you I'm buying you a treat to reward you for winning the Women's Division. Midget or no midget, you are definitely my all time hero!!! AND I think it's a testament to your character that you are extra cool for even picking the "mystery prize" in the first place.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by Andrew »

Thanks again to Eric Gifford for setting great problems for this comp, even though I always suck at his problems.

Thats crazy that they pulled shady business on you two last year. I can understand Julie and I, but not the two of you.
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Post by 512OW »

I can't understand that they'd do it to Julie... you, on the other hand...
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."
-Tyler Durden

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