When I was a dirtbag climber I drove about 25,000 miles a year. Now that I'm a gearhead who owns five cars and a motorcycle I only do about 10,000. Kind of ironic isn't it. Looks like in the future climbers might be paying for my pavement. Thanks.
maybe we should go back to toll roads where tax payer funds are collected to use roads that were constructed using tax payer funds- its change baby! change bitches!
if you carpool -the person whose car is ID-ed gets the tax liability... we tried to tell you people obama was a piece of shit and you wouldn't believe us- if your leg hurts (Bush) you don't cut your arm off (elect Obama) to fix it- see what happens when you elect an SOB whose political capital is based on voting present
So, if I understand this correctly.... All the hippies who bought a Prius in the last few years are possibly going to be taxed more because they are fuel conscious?