Highlighting Grudges.

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Highlighting Grudges.

Post by Rollo »

I was thinking it would be cool to highlight your grudges in red to go along with the blue highlighting for sends. Then the route would be glaring back out at you in an angry color, provoking you to go back out and take care of business!

Actually, I just added a bunch of the easier 11+/12- routes that were in the other thread so I would remember to get on them in the future. I think it would make the grudge feature more useful.
And on the third day, God created the Red River Gorge(by conjecture), and he saw that it was good.
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Post by jordancolburn »

or highlight it in pink, that way you're reminded of how much of a girl you were the last time you were on it. No offense ladies.
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Post by vvoodchuck008 »

no offense intended i'm sure! I think we can all agree that their are ladies out there who can climb circles around any of us. Though being an old traddie like myself i guess I'm just happy to mark my sends in my old brick and mortar guidebook and call it a day!
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