Actually Dingo, a door could be fashioned in the concrete box. Some detailed thought has to be put into the locks and hinges though. Padlocks can be cut and keylocks can be drilled so it would probably have to be a combination lock coupled with a key lock. I am envisioning a small prefabricated safe set part of the way into a reinforced concrete slab which would be buried like the footing on a house. The safe could also be housed either in welded steel or reinforced concrete. It would be relatively cheap as sheetmetal, concrete and rebar are not that expensive. All we would need is someone who has a friend of a friend to do the construction.
Oh and to add some cloak and dagger to it, there would be TWO collection people on every trip. One with the key and one with the combo.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Update on that plan. We could anchor the prefab safe directly into the slab with some big anchor bolts (drilled from the inside of the safe), then surround the safe with concrete posts set deep into the ground. A slot/hole could be drilled in the top of the safe for the donation slot. You sure as hell couldn't run a truck into it and you couldn't dynamite that safe off the slab. It would also be easier to construct and use less material.
Last edited by SikMonkey on Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
I can get a couple of 8' long pieces of 1 1/2"x3" 11 ga steel tube to act as footers and weld up a small box, say 1/4" or 3/8" thick, then the locking mech is all that is left to fortify. I can get material from our proto shop at work and do the welding myself.
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
D. H. Lawrence
Umm. I'll have to check with the executive Board though to see if we have permission from the Murray Family, if we try to implement this before we buy the land though.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
Has there been any thought about placing a box at Miguels? This way, we would also be making it available to climbers who aren't climbing in the southern region. No need to make it overly bomb proof and the pickup would be much easier.