TradMike wrote:It's very easy to get off route on a big trad climbs. There's no chalk and false trails that can take you seriously off route before you even realize what happened. Route finding is not easy in some trad climbing areas. Clipping a bolt and following a bolt line is very easy in comparison.
Some gear placement do take time to work out and they may be in the crux or you don't get gear type of situation. I don't know many sport routes you have to clip a bolt from the crux or run it out because you can't clip it. It's a much harder mind game to climb well above your last piece and a lot of Trad climbs require mandatory runouts. I don't see many Sport climbs with runouts. Retro bolts bring the climbing difficulty down even more.
The only time a 5.x sport climb = the same difficulty as a 5.x trad climb is if you pre-place all the trad gear ahead of time.
Not to say that there is anything wrong with Sport.
Several dumb statements. First, you should do more sport climbs. Bolts get skipped all the time because they can't efficiently be clipped. Far more than I see runouts happen on "trad" routes by "trad" climbers.
The only time a 5.x sport climb doesn't equal the same difficulty as a 5.x trad climb is if X climber lacks the skills to equate the difficulties. Yes, some routes have hard to place gear. Everytime I've ever encountered one, the grade already reflects that difficulty.
You said "routefinding is not easy...". Exactly. Get better at it. Why not, instead of saying "this is harder because of these reasons", say "I'm just going to get better at this so it doesn't seem so hard and I don't have to make up lame excuses"?
Dave Mcleod just repeated James Pearsons "Walk of Life", which James gave E12 7a. Dave said it was E9 6c. He found safe protection where James thought it was a deathfall. Dave also said it was a much easier physical climb, not even requiring one to be fit. James is a world class climber... and he will undoubtedly learn from this. For you to say that a certain "difficulty" should add to the grade is ridiculous unless you are an absolute expert at said skill.... and only indicates that you have alot more to learn than you think.