what do you eat (or don't eat?)

Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.

What are you?

A Carnivore
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Humans aren't carnivores; look at the design of our teeth. Compare them to a Tiger's teeth and understand the differences.

However, I don't need huge canines to chew the beautifully marbled prime rib I had at Morton's the other night. WOW.
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.
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Post by tutugirl »

I have one question...why Caribe decided on the forum name...


small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals
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Post by caribe »

Margarita, tu me asesinas en publico! :P La definición 6 abajo no se aplica, aunque algunos aquí creen que si.
http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltConsult ... EMA=caribe

1. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo que en otro tiempo dominó una parte de las Antillas y se extendió por el norte de América del Sur. U. t. c. s.
2. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a este pueblo.
3. adj. P. Rico, R. Dom. y Ven. Picante, que excita el paladar. Ají caribe.
4. adj. P. Rico y R. Dom. picante (‖ que muerde). Hormiga caribe.
5. m. Lengua de los caribes, dividida en numerosos dialectos.
6. (Por alus. a los indios de la provincia de Caribana). m. Hombre cruel e inhumano.
7. m. Col. y Ven. piraña (‖ pez).
8. m. Ven. Persona astuta, vivaz, agresiva.
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Post by tutugirl »

Number 7 is very funny...

I know you don't meat but the origin of the word is cannibal

1865–70; < Sp: cannibal,

among all the other regular meanings :)

margarita is just a pearl or a flower...boring...tutugirl is better tutu is a ballet skirt or behind from the word cucu
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Post by caribe »

I think caribe comes from archaic Spanish, the original meaning was savage / untamed. The Arawaks and Tainos were not cannibals, but it put the fear of them in the heart of the European so they did not mind the moniker. Diseases from Europe wiped out the lot in most islands of the Antilles. On Dominica (where my people are from) there is still a reserved of indigenous folks. Even though the caribs were not prone to mix with folks, I think people are pretty much jumping all over each other now.
BTW if you want to get away consider the rugged beauty of Dominica. Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead man's chest was shot there. If you want to climb you will be doing some bush wacking now Bwoy!
http://maureen61.blogspot.com/2008/11/w ... ssing.html
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Post by tutugirl »

Beautiful place...I love to climb there!!! Any place with quenepas is my kind of place :D The tainos were also the indians in Puerto Rico or Boriquen which its the original name.
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Post by Xtant »


What else is there in life?
Sure is a lot of fun while you're doing it...
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Post by dipsi »

Xtant wrote:Image

What else is there in life?
That's just wrong......
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
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