"Kentucky’s Bridge To Nowhere"

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Post by Ascentionist »

Also, just wondering if this is related to the SKNARP project a few years ago.
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Post by THB »

Liz and bcombs - Thanks for the info.
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Post by Fartspray »

Great base jumping training area. Team suck members do not forget your parachutes.
"I want to be in Kentucky when the end of the world comes, because it's always 20 years behind" - Mark Twain.
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Post by Huggybone »

People, your lack of outrage nauseates me.

Thinkging about easy access? what a friggin joke.
Thinking about base jumping? What the hell is wrong with you?

If this project goes forward it will ruin muir valley, which the Webers have created and developed as a park for you! Are you really going to stand down like a 'good citezen' and let the nazi thugs destroy this park? If you are not up in arms over this, you ARE the reason our rights slip through our fingers in this country.

Get on this folks, you need to be pissed off.
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Post by Crankmas »

perhaps this is the change so many hope for
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Post by krampus »

thinking about all the money we bring to the area, especially rogers, I am sure that if enough voice our concerns this may not turn out bad. Just don't be lazy, mail a freekin letter.
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Post by weber »

Crankmas wrote:perhaps this is the change so many hope for
Perhaps you're right. But, Liz and I have held on to the belief that many more people want to see Muir remain open to climbers than those who wish it destroyed.

Whenever there is a show of support for Muir on this forum, it seems to prompt a small, but vocal group of malcontents to start posting. This is the reason we had been quietly working this issue behind the scenes, rather than asking for help here.

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Post by rhunt »

Yet again we are faced with a closure. Just goes to show you there really is no such thing as secure climbing access.

Let's start by spreading the news far beyond this website. Write mass emails to all your climbing friends making them aware of this situation...asap.
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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Post by krampus »

Exactly, based on the trail day turnout there should not be much trouble in finding help. In fact, its always better to write your own letter, but corporations like Move on and that have a decent idea. The send one general letter out to their lazy constituent that it may be copied and mailed to the government official by everyone who is too lazy to write there own letter. Maybe someone is slightly more fluent in vocab and tact should come up with something. I am writing my own, I will post it, but flowery chatter and fancy way of saying "fuck off" are not my forte.

I am nominating whatahutch for this job, cus we all know he's working on his masters degree :wink:
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Post by njackson »

First thank you for buying, preserving and allowing us to climb on your property, Liz.

I'm an outofstater, who hails from NC. We have had our fair share of these issues. A couple additional suggestions to potentiate success:

1-KY residents who are invested HAVE TO EMAIL/WRITE! Your action has more weight than ours.
2-Start contacting your local state leaders with a like written email/letter. Here is the link that lists them by county/district with contact info.
3-Remind all involved that you, the author, ARE A REGISTERED AND ACTIVE KY VOTER.

As an outofstater, I will email them with the info Liz provided. I will include the number of trips that I and my family make to the Red each year and the dollars spent there.

Liz, do you think it would help to have a quantitative presence at the planning meeting on Dec 1 that you mentioned? At the very least all of the climbing related entities should have a representative (Miguel's, Torrent, cabin rentals, etc...)

This makes me sick to my stomach.
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