Only the gym? Only the gym!?!... How am I supposed to send Andrews new smack down boulder problems with an attitude like that? Only the gym..
I get the same thing, once they get deep enough and start to hurt I use der ubers suggestion and trim the skin back with fingernail clippers. I don't get them from plastic, but from 2x4's....
i agree on shaving down the skin. i like to even things out with nail clippers. otherwise, they just keep getting deeper and deeper
Courtesy of Andrew: "I don't think you will damage your escort unless she trips because she is so strung out on blow. Most people just take them to the rest area."
JR - yep, it's a smily alright. It's exactly what you said, it rips at the seam from being pulled apart. Last season I filed down the skin on both sides like der uber suggested but that just made the skin ultra sensitive when I climbed. I like your idea of taping before it rips because I definitely can tell when it's about to. That just may be my best bet. Thanks.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
do you use regular old gym chalk or metolius super chalk/something similar? i used to use that stuff but it exasperates the problem and the endo does not. just a thought.
when mine was doing it i would just tape it with the X style wrap, especially if you know the certin holds that do it. i always tape bouldering just to save skin.
This stuff works on the splits I get during the cold weather. Especially if I use it preventively, like when I can feel it is 'about' to split. I picked it up at the local Walgreens; recommended from a friend who had terrible problems (and also would use super glue and tape when climbing).
Good luck.
Pick myself up, stop lookin' back.
Grand Funk Railroad