Erika & Norma rocked it all weekend helping out a little bit everywhere!
My friday registration crew was awesome: Andrew Leary, Ashley Helmes, Phil Wilkes, Nathan Drolet, Laurel of J-Tree Salve (make sure to try some!), Yasmeen & JodiB.
Thanks to Ynot for helping out doing odd jobs in the afternoon!
The friday Miguel's Parking Crew did THE BEST job parking i've ever seen there! (for those of you who've done that - you know the job sucks and it's hard to control that lot!) A bit thank you to Melissa & Eric & Zack & Landon Evans & Crankmas
Thanks to Saxman and CaptnStatic who held down the fort at the comp (and congrats to all the winners - those sure were some awesome prizes!)
Thanks to Driskell & Andrew Leary who ran the mid-day registration and helped with the odds and ends.
Kudos to Kirker who headed up the chow. Everyone was fed - and that was dinner for 600! He was assisted by Kris Kirker, Page Schalow, Ed Griffiths, Landon Evans, Carrie Parker and Page Schallow. you guys rock!
Thanks to Page, Erika, Tania & Mike Anderson who ran the T-shirt sales booth.
but i must say hats off to the SATURDAY NIGHT REGISTRATION CREW: Normal Froelich, Sara Wallbridge and Rich Thauaru made sure everyone donated everything they had to raise some money for the PMRP! Apparently canadian currency donations were also accepted. And i hope no one minded too terribly much when they enacted the Bourbon Tax

Rebecca & Nathan Lewis were such good sports. Due to a small SNAFU in scheduling, they were they at the designated time of 7 am only to find out that nothing was needed until 8 am... since they were up they helped us with the trash collection - turns out that's a monumental job in itself! And a big thanks to Courtney, Hilary Rau & all the others who also helped with clean up.
And last but not least - thanks to a great clinic support crew: Mark Petnuch, Tania Allen, Jon Bruns, Joe Leismer, Greg Humburg, Peter Kananen, & Bill Strachen.
but the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON OF ALL AT THE EVENT was YOU!!!! just by attending - you made this possible. and while the numbers and not finished being tallied - i think it's a sure bet that we raised some money and are a little bit closer to paying of the PMRP! THANK YOU!