change you can believe in

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L K Day
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change you can believe in

Post by L K Day »

From dcexaminer online:

Turns out that “Doodad Proâ€
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Re: change you can believe in

Post by charlie »

L K Day wrote:........ Unclear? Just a guess, but how about an attempt to commit election fraud by evading U.S. election laws.
Or, maybe they just didn't want to get spammed?

If, instead of setting the standard for prolifically flinging low quality shit around you are honestly trying to convince someone that Obama may not be the wisest choice in candidates, maybe you should try and explain why someone else would be better?

Nevermind, you've long since demonstrated no will (or ability) to engage in thoughtful political discussion. Continue to spout your op ed fragments or just assassinate character of the campaign by bringing up marginal process issues I'm sure Obama higher ups keep a personal eye on each day.

I have no idea why I break my guidelines and address your posts. Talking about stupid shit with stupid people makes you stupider. You're going to have to cut and paste from something quite a bit better to troll me again.
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Post by ReachHigh »

Those names are what you get when you allow contributions from the internet. like every other candidate does.
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Post by krampus »

How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
L Day
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Post by L Day »

Acorn is engaged in massive voter registration fraud in multiple states, Obama has been the recipient of many thousands of questionable political donations, and Charlie thinks this is nothing to be concerned about. In fact it's character assassination to even point it out.

Funny, we're not hearing anything similar about the McCain campaign. Do you think the media is covering for him?
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Post by sgauss »

Okay, so you're alleging there may have been fraudulent contributions, and using the possibility of fraud to question the legitimacy of Obama's campaign, and suggesting that the Democrats are cheating.

How much were these contributions? If these were $50 contributions, how likely is it that "massive fraud" is being perpetrated. Please be specific, vs. you're vague claims of "thousands of questionable political donations". Do you have a problem with people making donations to a political campaign?

Also, are you willing to address the questionable contributions to the McCain campaign? For example, a number of employees of a McCain fundraiser, including an office manager and other employees making substantially less than $100,000/year making maximum conttributions of $28,500 to the McCain campaign.

As for Acorn, are you just going to keep spewing talking points hoping something sticks?
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Post by bcombs »

I didn't use my real name or email when donating my $20.00. If you see the name Jack Links Rulez in the NY Times article, that's me. 8)
L Day
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Post by L Day »

I'm perfectly OK with the FEC auditing the contributions to both campaigns. Because if we're not going to make sure that the campaigns abide by the rules, there might as well not be any rules.
L Day
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Post by L Day »

sgauss wrote:If these were $50 contributions, how likely is it that "massive fraud" is being perpetrated. Please be specific, vs. you're vague claims of "thousands of questionable political donations". Do you have a problem with people making donations to a political campaign?
The New York Times provides some specifics here: ... ref=slogin

I have no problem with people making legal contributions to a political campaign.

While it may not meet your definition of "massive fraud" according to the Times, the RNC thinks the questionable donations amount to $220,000,000.
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Post by Huggybone »

The rnc probably thinks that even one dollar given to their opponent would be called a 'questionable donation.'
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