McCains VP

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Post by rhunt »

Can I play Tina Turner's part?!
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Post by MSMITH »

tomdarch wrote: Why battle? I don't know exactly.

At least at the moment, it's simultaneously sickening and delightful to see McCain smearing himself in his party's shit in his desperate last chance to be president. Or to hear the true-believers so detached from reality: "McCain and Palin are genuine reformers!" "Being close to Russia gives you foreign policy experience!" "Palin can cure hepatitis just by looking at you!" "Forget what Dan Kwaill (irony intended) said about Murphy Brown and unwed mothers! The Republican party doesn't judge people on personal issues!" "Overseeing the state National Guard is experience as 'Commander in Chief'!" "Obama is too inexperienc ... what? Oh. America First!"
I suppose you missed both Obama's and McCain's positions on transpartisan politics. Just because those two idiots said one thing or another about unwed mothers, doesn't mean the entire party or country follows the same philosophy. In fact, both candidates mention it best at times to cooperate with the other party and disagree with your own. Mainly, to hold your beliefs regardless of how yours or the other party feels.

*And besides, if the liberals all followed everything a party member says, then they would be supporting John McCain according to Lieberman's speech.
Last edited by MSMITH on Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by charbee13 »

In the post McCain desolate landscape that was America, the Palin family's fecundity will be important to re-populating the human race.

Of course, rhunt.. :P
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Post by krampus »

whats the fancy word for ... gang rape
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Post by BMT »

I maintain that the democrats could have appointed any old white guy and get him elected against any republican. Nominating Obama was like throwing away a free pass to the white house. Now we have two candidates who i am afraid to vote for because i like my paycheck and my rights and each side wants to take part of one of those away. Im with msmith libertarians the way to go. And morgie poo don't get used to that.
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Post by L Day »

I'm pretty sure you're right about Obama wanting your paycheck, but what makes you think McCain wants to take away your rights? Ain't gonna happen, no matter what the right wing of the republican party may want.
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Post by MSMITH »

I dunno, I might draw a number or something. While conveniently leaving obama's name out.
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Post by Andrew »

I didn't know McCain had a big Emo following.
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Post by MSMITH »

Dude, Totally does, we cant stand the happiness that Obama shines with. We are much for the slow depressing speak of the less eloquent candidate.
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Post by tomdarch »

So I was pretty "outraged" with all the crazy crap that has come out about Palin.

- Sitting in her church and listening to the founder of Jews for Jesus say that Israelis who are killed by terrorists are suffering God's wrath for not converting to Christianity
- McCain referring to her as having "small business experience" when the only business of her's I know about was a car wash that was closed down by the state for not paying for the required licenses.
- Palin claiming that her pipeline deal was God's will

and on and on.

But the real kicker is that when in 2000, the Democratic governor of Alaska signed a law that would prevent rape victims from being billed for the collection of evidence in the Emergency Room (aka the "rape kit"), Palin's hand picked, "loyalty tested" police chief had the gaul to fucking complain about it! ... 3/news.txt
While the Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams, which cost between $300 to $1,200 apiece, the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests.

Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon does not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.

According to Fannon, the new law will cost the Wasilla Police Department approximately $5,000 to $14,000 a year to collect evidence for sexual assault cases.
This is just fucking sick.

Boo fucking hoo - if someone burglarizes your home, should the police demand $20 before they dust for fingerprints? Also, keep in mind that under Palin, the police chief had to clear it with her before he spoke to the press... (How many 6,000 person towns have policies like that?)

Also, for all the Republican hype over how great small towns are, what the fuck is going on in little Wasilla that a town of 6,000 people is dealing with 10 to 20 rapes a year? 15 per year in a town of 6,000 translates to a rate of 250 per 100,000, compared with a national average of about 35 per 100,000, or 7 times the national average.

Here's an article about Palin's years as mayor. Lucky for reporters, all the lawsuits she generated means that there's a pretty clear historical record of the "quality of her leadership" ... in070.html

(One highlight of the article is that "reformer" Palin paid back the bar and liquor store owners who funded her "Christian" campaign by firing the highly qualified police chief because he supported closing the bars in Wasilla at the same time as they closed in Anchorage to reduce the number of drunk drivers who were "bar hopping" late at night.)
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