Painful Weekend

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Post by Guest »

that sucks, tbone! I hope you will able to be back soon! I lost several days of climbing last week due to my sting from the past weekend. I couldn't get my climbing shoe on either, and it still itches a little. This one I got yesterday is very swollen and itchy not, but it hasn't impeded my climbing. I only have to worry about my boobs looking lopsided.


Post by Guest »

Wes wrote:"Why are they so mean this year??"

Maybe they are upset about global warming?
Perhaps it is the war in Iraq?
Maybe the whole gay marrage thing?
Ah, I know: They are pissed that the RIAA is sueing all the file swappers for no real reason (besides the whole greed thing).

I think you are onto something with the RIAA theory. Except they are actually minions of the evil org and are stinging all of us who have ever downloaded an MP3. DAMN!
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Post by tomdarch »

The bees and wasps are just covering up for RIAA meetings where they discuss their anti-competetive price fixing schemes. Or the bees and wasps are being trained to attack on command so that they can be sicked on reporters who reveal that counterfeit CD sales have a drastically bigger impact on official sales than out-of-license file distribution.

It's just like in the X Files, but with out the alien DNA!
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Post by rhino »

Sandy, I offered to administer first aid. Maybe next time you will listen. :wink:
"Hookers and drugs man. Money can't buy happiness but it's really hard not to smile when you're in a cheap hotel room surrounded by hookers and drugs." ~ Charlie
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Post by Johnny »

Come on Sandy! Tell everyone about your third nipple!

Post by Guest »

hahahaha! It did kinda look like a third nipple there for a while!! Now it looks like a bad sunburn and itches like the devil.

I really should have taken you guys up on your offers to rub it. I'm still so amazed by the generosity of climbers!! :roll:
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Post by Yasmeen »

Yeah, or you could have mashed up some potatoes, carrots, cornmeal, hummus, random plant leaves, etc. and rubbed those all over it just like the nice lady at Miguel's that night suggested...
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
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Post by vic »

Alright, this is going to gross some of you, but I swear it works in a most interesting way:
Bees, yellow jackets, etc... may and will sting you, and as soon as it happens, do the following:
1. Remove residue on skin surface (if any)
2. Place finger in ear, grab ample amount of wax (the more the better) and apply to wound.
3. Count to 10 and I doubt you will be able to point where you got stung.

Note: It has always worked for me and everyone around me.

Also: It has been proven that wearing white will push bugs away from you.

ALL I CAN SAY IS: good luck.
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
Smile & be thankful for what you have.
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