Torrent Falls opening to public soon

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Torrent Falls opening to public soon

Post by ray »

Posted for Bob:

The tentative date for the reopening of Torrent Falls to public access is set for July 31st. Access will be granted, free of charge (per KRS 411.190), to those who sign a waiver and register on the web site provided ( The number of parties (and cars … car-pool!) will be limited to three, with a recommended maximum group size of three, and access will only be open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. On-line registration will begin at 6 am of each day and will only be valid for the day of registration; the entrance gate for Torrent will operate from 8 am until 8pm with the code provided and will remain locked at all other times, please plan your day accordingly. Each vehicle will be required to display a valid parking pass obtained with the on-line registration, those that do not will be towed or immobilized.

I realize that these restrictions will piss off many and frustrate not a few. I ask that any who have issue with this post or the content of the web-site contact me at “mathenybob at aol dot comâ€