Trail to Solar Collector

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Post by SikMonkey »

I think the road down to the Lode is a county maintained road. I can definitely check on it....when I get back from vacation that is! :twisted:

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Post by rhunt »

Thanks John for the info. I know the RRCGG has a handle on things, I was just wondering what their thoughts were on this issue.
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
Wicked Tribe
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Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2003 8:25 pm

Post by Wicked Tribe »

Those roads will always need to be maintained. Their conditions change on a weekly basis depending on rain or lack thereof. The oil companies fix them to suit their purposes which is usually to drive large vehicles on. IF they get stuck they probably just have a loader or dozer come in and pull them out. So the passability question for them is usually moot.

No one is going to maintain any of those roads for vehicle traffic. You notice many residences around?
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