Muir Closed to Local Guide Services

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Muir Closed to Local Guide Services

Post by Liz_Weber »

Im-Not-There wrote:Sadly, I am boycotting the Muir Valley Trail Day to show my support for local guiding services. Should MV's position remain unchanged by the end of the month, I will also ask the Access Fund to pull its support since it is contrary to the principle of the AF.

Should Muir Valley change its position on the recent guiding announcement, I will happily and enthusiastically attend the event and encourage others to participate as well.

Unfortunately, this is the only way I can think of to show my support of the locals guiding services. This is not personal. This is strictly a demonstration of my ability to voice my opinion and stand up for what, I believe, is right.
OK guys, that’s one. Anyone want to try for two?

I regret that neither Rick nor I had seen this post at the time he retracted, as a result of all of the uproar, his offer to guide for free on his own property three or four times a year. If I had seen this post, I would have emphatically encouraged him NOT to retract his offer. In spite of his withdrawing his offer, the abuse continues.

Until further notice, no local professional guide services are allowed in Muir Valley. Torrent Falls will be welcome to continue guiding, if they wish, upon submitting an up-to-date insurance certificate. The seven non-local professional services for whom we have up-to-date insurance certificates continue to be welcome.

Don’t bother going to Rick to get this decision reversed. This is MY decision.

Liz Weber
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Post by pru »

because of one anonymous post?? Surely this is just an angry, knee-jerk reaction.
climbing is dumb

~ Sandy
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Post by pru »

I wish whoever posted that would step up and ID himself
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~ Sandy
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Post by TankAzz »

agreed. i am certainly not about to get in the middle of this, as it is none of my business, and i'd like to think i've got friends on both sides.
however, i do feel that I'm-Not-There has made some pretty strong statements, which is fine, but at least have the balls to put your name with them, at least in PMs to those involved (which you may have done, for all i know).
also, leave the Access Fund out of it. whichever side of this debate you're on, there's no need to further divide the climbing community by using your "influence" to impact AF relations. when you do that, you hurt all climbers.

i included the Access Fund's mission statement/purpose, for anyone who is curious...

"The Access Fund envisions a future in which climbing and access to climbing resources are viewed as legitimate, valued, and positive uses of the land; where climbers respect and appreciate the places they climb so that the climbing environment is conserved for current and future generations."

"Five core programs support the mission on national and local levels: public policy, stewardship & conservation (including grants), grassroots activism, climber education, and land acquisition."
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Post by Liz_Weber »

pru wrote:because of one anonymous post??

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Post by mcrib »

Any decisions that affect the livelihood of Matt and Amy are bad decisions.
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Post by Rotarypwr345704 »

Because Matt and Amy are the only ones that matter at the Red?
I fell for the everyone-shut-up-and-ill-donate-money scheme. -Ray Ellington, guidebook gawd

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Post by pru »

Rotarypwr345704 wrote:Because Matt and Amy are the only ones that matter at the Red?
that's a stupid fucking question. Clearly you don't know Matt & Amy and how treasured they are by the climbing community here. Matt & Amy are two of the finest people I have ever had the pleasure to know. They are hard working and generous and there is nothing they wouldn't (and haven't!) done for a friend, for climbing, for the community of Slade, and for humanity in general. They have contributed more money and sweat to the Red River Gorge than most of the rest of us combined. So no, they aren't the only ones that matter, but they matter a great deal, and to a great many people.

And who the hell are you?
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~ Sandy
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Post by Brentucky »

I don't think Rotary is trying to be offensive. It looks like he is an outsider with little detail and a little different perspective because he doesn't really know the people involved (like me). It's more obvious to an outsider that Rick and Liz are generous and I'm guessing that Rotary is just trying to take up for them a bit the same way that others are taking up for Matt and Amy. It doesn't really need to be stated that Rick and Liz are also very good people receiving abuse here (and not for the first time).
efil lanrete... i enjoy the sound, but in truth i find this seductively backward idea to be quite frightening
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Post by mcrib »

Rotary if you don't know the answer to your question you have no business in the discussion
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