15 year old sends 14+

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15 year old sends 14+

Post by p0bray01 »

check it out

http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes ... n_directe/

Pretty Sweet...harder than I will ever be able to climb.

Can't get over the animal sounds though. :lol:
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Post by Toad »

Cool. It's a good thing he did it now because I heard they were closing the crag because of parking problems.
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Post by rhunt »

Don't worry i heard they are going to make the lot larger to accommodate more climbers! They are hoping for record numbers this fall, its a science experiment to see how many people can fit into a climbing area...stay tuned for the results.

That kid's a monster...
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Post by p0bray01 »


Its in Germany....they arent as anal as we americans :wink:
"The Mountains are my church and climbing is how I worship" - Tommy Caldwell
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Post by hamsco »

Cool how he skiped the last clip!!
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Post by SCIN »

It's crazy that he rests 3 to 5 hours between attempts on hard endurance routes. Can you imagine a 5 hour rest break?
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!

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Post by Saxman »

So THAT'S my problem. I can't wait long enough between sends.
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Post by 512OW »

14+??? That kid has already done several 15a's. You guys are behind.
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Post by toad857 »

younger kids have much less weight to pull, while the strength in their tendons changes proportionally less over the years.

in other words, it's easier for young'ns to pull hard than it is for those who've "bulked up" (see photo of me below)

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Post by maine »

Thanks, I just horked up my dinner!
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