disappointed with Muir Valley climbers

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Post by anticlmber »

agreed dubya, you may be one of the few smart ones out there. although we are comparing to a large group of idjits. the crowds are everywhere and there are ways/routes/crags to avoid them. yet i have still gone to the "obscure" spots and seen the masses. no escape just timing i suppose. besides at some point everyone moves up the point/grade scale.

and no you didn't break my heart, i am only filled with discontent not love.

and tom, the yard is fenced. besides, how many climbers:
a)carry a gun
b)would be willing to use it
c) aren't complete pusses
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Post by Toad »

Not just carry a gun, but have a clear shot with a sniper rifle and be able to use it while climbing or belaying from way down the hill. Sounds good.
Victory Whip in da House. Yeah.
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der uber
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Post by der uber »

Why not make a deal with a local towing company, and post a sign with their number, encouraging others to call on cars that are out of bounds.
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