giant s p i d e r s (not for paul or ray)

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giant s p i d e r s (not for paul or ray)

Post by Josephine »

so a giant s p i d e r landed on me sunday. while i am normally calm, cool and collected about such things - the damn thing was 3-inches in diameter crawling across my body! i was immediately reduced to shrieking and jumping around trying to get it off. :oops:

today a friend of mine shared this with me and i thought it was oh so true:

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Post by Yasmeen »

:lol: That's awesome. I actually carried a large spider out of the basement this evening. That's right Paul, I let it live, so that it might procreate with other large spiders.
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Post by Saxman »

As long as I approach them I am fine. When they somehow magically appear on me, that is quite startling.
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Post by spuzo »


But, then again, Daddy Long Legs' do that to me too. Bleh...freakin creepy ass eight-legged man-eating, scary monsters.

Out west, we had a little aquarium thing that I was talked into allowing to be placed in our had a big ass fuzzy tarantula in it that was found in the could hear this thing walking around in there at night. I couldn't sleep with that thing just roaming around in it's little plastic box on the shelf.... Then we accidentally fed it to the other tarantula that was found on the property....yeah, one of them ATE the other...all that was left in the morning were a bunch of little hairy bits and pieces....BLEH...freakin creepy ass crawlin things.
Once you see one of their man-eating pincher, knife-like really sharp and scary looking mandible jaw mouth things super up close and personal...yeah it's over...I had to seek counseling.
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Post by Winterstorm »

I always believed anything with more than two eyes and four legs does not belong on this planet
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