Alcohol Banned in Red River Gorge Campsites

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Post by Steve »

Then why nothing on the FS's official website? I haven't seen a press release pass through the newsroom. Although I don't always see every press release, the folks over at the DBNF HQ are pretty good about alerting the media. Are their any signs posted at Red River Gorge trailheads, campgrounds, Gladie? You can't expect the public to know the rules without telling them the rules.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by Steve »

Oh Glenrider who is the "new sheriff"? New district ranger, new le? Who did you talk to in the FS
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by krampus »

I thought that alcohol in the national forrest was always illigal but mostly overlooked unless people were being dicks. At least that is what the ranger guy told me when he was searching us for drugs at our campsite. Of course he is a cop so I have no real reason to trust him. He did not give us a ticket for alcohol but used that as his reason to search us without any real reason. We were parked close to the road though so they were not sneaking through the bushes or anything.
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Post by Glenrider »

krampus is correct- "alcohol in the national forrest was always illegal."

I spoke with several USFS Rangers.
Last edited by Glenrider on Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by pawilkes »

we were up at Purple Valley a couple weeks ago and stopped to help a guy who had a dead battery. He told us about some folks that he'd talked to that had got tickets for drinking and said that there was indeed a new ranger in town who was laying down the law.

on a semi-related note, a group i was with got busted for drinking on Forest land in TN a few years back. I managed to hide away in my tent.
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Post by Myke Dronez »

Maybe writing enough tickets will relieve all of their financial woes :roll:
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Post by tickie_cat »

I live near the Gorge and have heard of too many injuries and fatalities when wilderness and alcohol are mixed. Alcohol does not have to equal fun - it's about as safe and mixing alcohol with boating (lots o' drownings). And who can judge which people can use it responsibly and which can't? The USFS has to pretty much enforce everyone the same. I also can't tell you how many times I have passed by campsites with discarded beer cans - very ugly.

I am not against alcohol in general. I just think that people who need alcohol to have a good time have a dismal lack of imagination, and may actually have a bigger problem.
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Post by Lil_Seamus »

It is empirically proven that beer makes me climb harder. Now I'm gonna have to adjust my spray list to include the new increased difficulty.
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Post by Saxman »

That's like saying people who want wine with a meal have to have the wine to enjoy the meal. Bad logic.
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Post by Toad »

tickie_cat slappin' down da judgement on da fit post.

Sorry, I'm lashing out because I have no beer.

I guess we need to get together and form the RRGDC - "Red River Gorge
Drinker's Coalition". We can buy some private land so we can camp and drink. People ... the answer is private ownership.
Victory Whip in da House. Yeah.
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