And let the AUCTION Begin!!!

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captain static
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Post by captain static »

SUPER JOB on the website and thanks to all involved! I know that e-mails have been sent out promoting the website but is anything else being done to promote the site on the internet and to the climbing community worldwide?
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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Post by vic »

As far as I know, it is currently being viewed extensively in Hawaii, New York, as well as Germany and France. It's only been up and operational since 9:45am this morning, so we will keep at it.

Any promotional tactic you know of and want to share, SEND them our way and let us in on it.
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
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Post by Gretchen »

Our first donation came from a climber in Colorado!
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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Post by Jeff »

I am sure many ideas have been thought of but wanted to start throwing some out to see if they stick.
What about flyers sent to every climbing gym and shop that you (I) can find a listing for?
If you can come up with a flyer(s), I would be willing to find as many gyms and shops as I can and do the mailing.
Other than that, I would suggest mentioning the site ( on all the climbing forums anyone might visit other than this one. I only go to this site and the SECC site. I mentioned it on their site last night.
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Post by Jeff »

Also, I am a little confused....
Say someone bids on a route online. They are not at the Red for the auction in October and someone out-bids their bid by $50. This higher bidder is now the "winner" of the route and pays their money. Now you have someone from another state or country who *was* willing to donate money out of the picture. I would think they are still willing to help but what are their options now? They might elect to simply donate, but since they don't get a route with their name attached to it, they might not want to give as much.

I don't understand the reasoning for only offering a limited amount of routes in the auction. I would think the more routes that are offered, the better the odds of getting more $. :?
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Post by Shannon »


Those are good questions. The thinking behind a limited number of routes was the "law of supply and demand." Without knowing how much interest there would be among climbers to "bid" on routes we didn't want too many routes, and no one to bid on them...too much supply, not enough demand. So, the first selection was "limited" to try to gauge the demand. Once a route is "sold" it can never be offered again. So, we didn't want to offer too many (with a low demand) and lose the chance to offer more routes in the future when there would be greater demand. We anticipate that the first year will be our "weakest" year and each year should get better as we get a chance to build interest.

We also decided to offer additional auctions for summer 2004 and 2005 and adjust the number of routes made available for each auction based upon demand. We are trying to optimize the amount of money we can raise. It is more art, than science. Since this has never been done before AND there is only two months before Rocktober Fest (Septemebr 30 is the deadline for a down payment) we felt there was only enough time to "sell" about twenty routes. We'd love to be wrong...and have a bidding war!

As for the out of town "bidders," that is a good point. Proxy bids are always possible. That is where a "friend" may attend Rocktober Fest for the out of towner bidder and can make a bid for that person up to a specified amount (specified by the out-of town bidder). If as you point out the out of town bidder would like to give money but got out bid, there is always straight donations AND next year's auction.

We are also trying to encourage greater attendance to Rocktober Fest by have the "final" auction at Rocktober Fest.

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Post by vic »


Please forgive my ignorance, but what is SECC???
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
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Post by Gretchen »

Southeastern Climber's Coalition,

Thye service several states worth of climbing, very good group!
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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Post by vic »

Sharing some interesting facts:
The web site is receiving a very volume of registered bidders.
Couple of high bids have also arrived in the last couple of hours - good healthy amounts!
Just wanted to forward my personal thanks to you all for the great support.
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
Smile & be thankful for what you have.
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Post by gulliver »

The website looks great vic . The first few times I was there no problems , but the last several have been click-click-click try to find a back door into the page I've wanted,and now I can't get through the first page. Would that be my mac ? I know that must be a lot of work pputting those together but I think other people could be getting the same thing. I switched browsers and hit on the rrgcc homepage ( because it was bookmarked ) and was surprised there was no big link highlighted for there :shock: Tell them to find some room for you there :lol:
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