Getting Married Saturday!

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...
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Post by dmw »

think of all the great shots you'll get of the YNP babies cavorting in the snow! Def. bring your bathing suits for the Boiling River.... it is pretty much the coolest thing in the park. period.
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Post by kentuckysarah »

Congrats you two! I am so happy for you guys. Wish I could make it-have fun!
We're all in this together
Walkin' the line between faith and fear
This life don't last forever
When you cry I taste the salt in your tears.

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Post by Kat »

Congrats, Wes and Tania!! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you guys! I missed you guys this past weekend. I'll be back soon enough though. It's been snowing here all day today, hopefully it will stop by the time you guys get out here!
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Post by StephyG »

WooHoo! I'm psyched for you two! I wish I could be there to celebrate, but Mike and I just settled down in Flagstaff, AZ and have to start working again. But, if you two happen to drive through this way, please do give us a holler. I wish you the best!
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Post by Wes »

Thanks much to everyone who came out Saturday - we had a blast seeing everyone for sure. Hope you all had fun as well!

In yellowstone now, and it is kinda chilly but the wildlife is out and about.

Thanks again.

Wes and Tania Allen!
"There is no secret ingredient"

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Post by Artsay »

Yay!!! So glad you all made it and are having fun.
Enjoy it all!!! Love to you both, ~M
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by neuroshock »

congrats to the both of you! i didn't see this thread 'til now...i wish i could've been there saturday to meet Tania
(though, I was in Indian Creek 'til Sunday so seeing the thread sooner wouldn't have done the job either)

have a great time out West and I'll see you guys sometime once you're back :-)
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Post by dipsi »

Wes wrote:
Wes and Tania Allen!
:D How cute is that?
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

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Post by gunslnga »

Congrats Wes and Tania, long life and happy memories in all you do!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
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