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Post by pigsteak »

actually, money can make you feel good..or at least the things it buys. and, money can buy firewood or propane to heat your house, so it does indeed keep you war. as I heard it said, I'd prefer to be miserable and rich rather than poor and miserable.

and don't give me the "it's about people"..without money to drive your car to the crag, to go out and eat with them, to buy them small gifts, to but them a six pack, then you ain't near close enough to nirvana :wink:

besides, if money couldn't buy comfort, then all the libbies wouldn't be screaming to take it from the rich and give it to the poor. they'd let the rich burn in their misery. :twisted:
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Post by Evan »

Money can buy you all those things.

Actually, money can provide opportunities to do good. It alone has nothing however, to do with the ideals that we should strive for as a society. The act of giving away a home can make you feel good. Buying a new Hummer might make you feel good (if so you are bad). Or is it buying a new watch? What is your impact is the question. You seem to be a little mislead when mentioning Nirvana, this is not Catholicism, you can't give me a six pack and go to heaven.

I'd like to remind you that money cannot buy self image and state of mind. That takes thought and the realization that you can help yourself and others by rising above these peasant ideals.

I don't know why you insist on punishing yourself with these mediocre thoughts. Suit yourself pigsteak, be miserable.
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Post by ynot »

This is starting to sound like Peacefull Warrior
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Post by Yasmeen »

Evan wrote:You seem to be a little mislead when mentioning Nirvana, this is not Catholicism, you can't give me a six pack and go to heaven.
So... Nirvana is not Catholicism? Interesting... do go on!
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Post by pigsteak »

evan, evan, evan.....(I always wanted to use someone's name three times in a row, and this seemed right)

i think we, dear friend, are close to the same page. I was merely pointing out the obvious, again. the fallacy that has invaded our society is that rich people are somehow unhappy, somehow hiding some inferiority complex, somehow compensating....etc.

I would argue that money, or the lack thereof, is not a determining factor for inner peace. (however, I WOULD argue that the poorest of the poor that mother teresa served did not, for the most part, enjoy joy and happiness. a bit of money to help with clean drinking water, vaccinations, shelter etc would go a long way in bringing joy to their lives.)

isn't it curious that usually those with less money envy or deride those with more money? (I count myself in this group) is there one of us who would not take a $10,000 raise at work if given to us, merely out of the principal that my happiness might be compromised? I find a disconnect in this thinking.

PS- The nirvana I speak of was ran by Kurt Cobain..not sure if he was catholic or not. :wink:
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Post by ynot »

if he was he's frying now
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Post by Yasmeen »

Where do bad folks go when they dieeeeeeeeeeeeee? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly. Go to a lake of fire and fry.

Kurt Cobain the soothsayer. How did he know??
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Post by pigsteak »

cuz he had tons of money and was unhappy. proves evan's point at least.
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Post by Evan »

Damn the Oscars are boring. I wasn't getting at you pigsteak, just generally saying don't work for the money.

Kurt Cobain did sing a lot of old gospel and blues songs on that unplugged album. Maybe he was religious. In the end it was all that religion, heroin, and money (or courtney love) that got to him.
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Post by krampus »

a new trad rack and a hooker should make anyone happy. And that shit cost money
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