Bumper stickers that made you laugh today

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Post by DriskellHR »

I had a crappy truck once that had "don't laugh your daugter may be in here" on the back windsheild
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Post by Josephine »

Don't drink and derive!

(but this integral nonsense is deriving me to drink!)
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Post by ashtray »

Climbers for Kerry
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Post by krampus »

Dykes for Bush
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Post by Jay »

At the Town Pump in Ft. Collins (one of the greatest climber bars in the world, BTW):

I found it...but now my finger smells!
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Post by pawilkes »

i saw a saab 9.5 yesterday with:


I thought it was a very odd car to see it on but pretty damn funny
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Post by Namaste »

"Life's a bitch. Don't vote for one."
Giddy up!
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Post by RedRiverOutlaw »

I still get a kick out of all the morons that still have those "W The President" stickers on their vehicles. Do those morons even realize what a moron he is?

One that I used to have on my truck "Merle Haggard for President"

I see a ton of good stickers on my travels, but for some reason I can't ever remember them. :roll:
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Post by ahab »

A friend of mine saw this on a hummer.
"I 'heart' Iraqi Oil"
no shit :!:
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Post by Crankmas »

annoy a liberal
work hard and be happy
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