Are there bears in the gorge?

Having problems finding a crag or a route?
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Post by spuzo »

Yasmeen wrote:I love the sound of coyotes howling! At Red Rocks, there was one evening when we were bouldering and all of the sudden a bunch of coyotes started howling, and then the neighborhood dogs started howling in return, and all the sounds were echoing through the boulderfield. It was beautiful.
That and the roving packs of wild burros, although their sounds are not quite as nice...more scary and disturbing if the suddenly start "burro-ing" next to your tent early in the morning...
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Post by spuzo »

And I saw two bear cubs once in the southern region, I was basically up on that huge prow of rock that sits sort of above the salty dog spring (near the "hangin" tree) and looking off to one side of the prow I saw them walking thru the trees down below...that was probably 4 years ago now though, haven't seen any since.
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static

"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew
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Post by hypro »

YES, I stopped at the spring to fill up water in Nada, there was a white van parked as i walked up, the windows were closed... as i started to fill my jug a distressed old lady rolled down the window and stated "there was a bear just there on the hill above the spring, it was peeing". I looked up the hill where she was pointing and saw nothing.
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Post by chrisrich »

I have seen two bears over the last year....fortunately they were pretty far away and were startled easily.

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