Naked Bambi Hunts

Movies, music, food, blood, dogs, Horatio.....
freaky farkel
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Post by freaky farkel »

I thought Bambi was a buck
paranoia will destroy ya
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Post by tomdarch »

pigsteak wrote:to continue, I noticed while you were on your "soapbox", you mentioned overly zealous groups....-snip-...may I add -snip- [the] DNC -snip- to the list of overly zealous groups?
What! Who the hell thinks that the Democratic National Committee is an "overly zealous" group? That bunch of lifeless twits might as well be a Perry Como fan club. One of my Senators (Durbin, D, IL) is getting crap for actually pointing out that the Bush II administration actively lied about Iraq seeking uranium from Africa, and calling for an investigation of the manipulation of 'intelligence' leading up to the invasion. How freaking zealous! If the DNC weren't such a bunch of slugs, then maybe the Elctoral College vote would have matched the popular vote in 2000 and the world wouldn't hate the US quite as much as it does now.
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Post by tomdarch »

pigsteak wrote:and while you mentioned the war in Iraq..I can only assume you were a big supporter of George W and going to war, considering how Saddam treated the ladies of his country..any true, compassionate feminist would have been a flag waving supporter of George W, and now a defender of his cause..(WMD be damned...)
OK, I'm on a roll - many people have called for international action (primarily economic and legal, but, yes, potentially military) to deal with governments that commit crimes against humanity. The problem with your (knowingly weak-assed) argument is that we all know that the invasion of Iraq was in no way motivated by Wolfowitz's or Rumsfield's compasion for the plight of the women of Iraq. There are plenty of women who are being raped and tortured all over the word, just not on top of quite so much oil or quite as near to Israel/Palestine.

It would be a much more simple world (more like the one in W's head?) if the ends justified the means. An end of the invasion of Iraq is that the women of that country MIGHT end up better off, but the deeply problematic means (the illegality of the invasion, the intentional use of the invasion to weaken international institutions, the precedent of preemptive invasion, the evidence that the invaders knew that they were lying about their claims of threat, and so on) make it clear that these ends are likely to be overshadowed by the troubled means.
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Post by ynot »

You keep watching Nightline and it will rot yer brain.
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Bro, please venture outside of the mainstream (funded by advertisments) media and seek help. Iraq did seek to aquire Uranium from Africa, only a partisan liberal could ignore the U.N's stance supporting these facts. Iraq was a threat to the entire world, even if you chose to ignore the direct funding and support of terrorist groups, murder, and torture. The Baath party ruled by terror, dipshit.
You don't have to believe someone (me) who had the opportunity, thanks to Saddam, to eat, work, and sleep in a gas mask on numerous occasions while in the Middle East. Ask any Kurd or Iranian, or Jordanian, or Jew about Iraq and they'll tell you.

The stability of the Mid East is way more important than your partisanship and support of faggot liberals.

Have you ever spoken with an Iraqi that hands you a baby picture begs you to find their missing child? The one in prison for not joining a certain political party. I'll bet that you would puke and long to go home to America where your own child sleeps soundly at night.
Remember, even though you hate America, its a pretty good place to live. Even when you don't support the powers that be.

Anyone interested in heading to North Carolina in August? Granite good. Politics bad.
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.

Post by Guest »

Anyone interested in heading to North Carolina in August? Granite good.
When in August? I'm trying to work out another weekend in NC and sharing the ride would be great, though I plan to boulder while I'm there so you would probably need to line up a partner if you plan on climbing routes. Let me know.

PS - politics are a good, healthy thing to discuss & I certainly enjoy doing so (usually), but people PLEASE don't bring this shit to the crags.
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Right on. PoliSci is only fun on this board.

The august trip is completely up in the air, it depends upon my partner of course.
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.
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Post by Spragwa »

First, Ho you are my favorite, as always. I'll shoot you in the naked ass with a rubberband any day. I've heard that paintballs give you welts when you're fully clothed and don't want to imagine what it would be like on naked skin...YIKES.

Second, I agree with Tomdarch on the Iraq issue. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Third, I have never implied that I believe in restricting anyone's freedoms. I question the social responsibility of participating in these hunts. I also believe that it is important to know this goes on. You miss my point, I am not anti-gun, though I believe that you have about as much right to own an AK-47 as you do an atom bomb. Truly, I love the Constitution and part of my job is upholding it.

Further, I truly believe that these hunts aren't sport but that they feed a more basic instinct. If men were shooting at other naked men, I would feel similarly but not as strong. Of course, most wouldn't do this unless they trapped a small scrawny guy, pinned him down, stripped him and then chased him through the woods.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by SikMonkey »

S.Peeler, regardless of what the liberals say, we all know that if Clinton had acted upon what he knew about certain terrorist organizations instead of sittin' on his fat ass gettin' his pole smoked, GW wouldn't have to be on cleanup detail. I have been told by people that worked IN the Pentagon that it was all right there, but he chose the "well, let's try to make friends and not piss anyone off" stance.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by Spragwa »

Actually, that's not the case. First, there is no empirical evidence indicating that Iraq attempted to obtain uranium from Africa. Second, what Clinton did was to keep a substantial military presence in the area. Primarily Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Loads in the Sea of the coast with missiles aimed. The first thing Bush did was to pull them out. DUMB DUMB DUMB! GW hasn't done any cleanup detail. Except spend far too much of our money. Clinton was attempting mediation with a dictator. Hmmm. UN sanctioned too. Hmmm. Going about things the proper way. Hmmm.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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