Dead bloated horse

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Dead bloated horse

Post by Huggybone »

I'm sorry to beat a dead bloated horse, but I've left my guide at home, and my memory about the sun is fuzzy. Which crags are shady? I'm looking mostly for sport climbs from 11c and down. So far I'm thinking Military or sky bridge or roadside. Any other suggestions? (besides lady slipper, pebble beach, etc)
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Post by SikMonkey »

Torrent is shady. Start on the 11 wall then cruise back around toward Poopie Head later in the day. Oh and as far as the dead horse, you can actually hump it and bring it back to life like Tom Green did to that moose....or at least he tried.

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Post by Spragwa »

Try the Arena. It's my new favorite place.
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Post by Huggybone »

I love the areana, but I can't make it back there. New honda.
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Post by MattG »

well, honestly man it doesn't take long to walk back there. or if anything, i drive my 91' accord all the way in to oil carck rock, and then it's like a 5-10 minute walk from there. if you park at the first lot on the right if you are following the directions to drive-by/oil crack rock, it only takes about 15-20 minutes to walk in from there. and trust me, the arena is well worth it. go check it out.
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Post by Yasmeen »

The Arena rules :D So does Oil Crack for that matter, but I'm not sure how shady Oil Crack is... not very would be my guess
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Post by SikMonkey »

I think there is quite a bit of shade on the wall that has Blue Plate, Vandalism, et. al. But when you get too far to the right or left of those, you might be in for a roastin'.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

only stupid whores climb at the arena. try global village.
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Post by Power2U »

Roadside... that has to be the single hottest cliff at the Red!

If you go back to Drive-By, Oil Crack, In Between Wall, and the Arena you can move around back there and find shade all day. Unfortunately you have to be a stupid whore to climb back there :?: ... thanks for your input genius...Global Village...what a moron!

Torrent & the Zoo are also decent in the shade Dept.
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Post by Caspian »

Dude, you have a honda? worries. Espcially the civics are one of the best offroading vehicles made. I've seen those things do everything.
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