While this doesn't sound like it's soooo awful that government should stop it (except that OSHA should require eye protection), it sure is depressing if any scumbag takes them up on this. (Not to mention the loosers who would buy a video of this crap)
Hmmmm - this would be quite a conundrum for Fox "News" - on the one hand, it's a great example of the freedoms that real Americans fight for! Shootin' guns! Woo hoo! (and it's a great example of the inherent misogyny in right-wing culture) On the other hand, it involves naked women, so it must be sinful! Such hard 'editorial' decisions to make!
Naked Bambi Hunts
we have fought for years for women to have the right to choose..why in the world would anyone want to stop these particular women from the right to choose this fast cash? And while talking about scumbags taking them up, now is not the time to get all moral...for anyone who visits sin city, to climb or otherwise, I suggest you are part of the "problem" as it relates to the culture of demeaning women... you can't pump dollars into their tourism economy and not be partly to blame.
Plus, for any guy or gal who has visited a strip joint, watched a porno, oogled a man/woman at the crag, thought about oogling a woman/man at the crag, dreamt about J Lo/Affleck..here is your warning...your behavior is about to policed and silenced.
Nice spin on the "right wing" culture Tom..almost as formidable as the freaks tried on Clinton. Its the evil liberals..no wait, its the evil conservatives...hell, they all are full of s***...
Plus, for any guy or gal who has visited a strip joint, watched a porno, oogled a man/woman at the crag, thought about oogling a woman/man at the crag, dreamt about J Lo/Affleck..here is your warning...your behavior is about to policed and silenced.
Nice spin on the "right wing" culture Tom..almost as formidable as the freaks tried on Clinton. Its the evil liberals..no wait, its the evil conservatives...hell, they all are full of s***...
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
Right to choose? Right to choose to subjugation? Fine. I don't care. We all know that strippers and women who engage in this type of behavior are predisposed to consenting through histories of rape, incest and abuse. Allow them to continue on this path and abuse themselves, fine who cares. In fact, Pigsteak, why don't you go to Veg..ass and donate some money. That way, the mysogynists can feed their desires. Let's not stop at hunting women with firearms. When they go home, maybe they can treat their wives and daughters the same way. This is the element that this game will attract. The type of man who can only feel good about himself if he can somehow manage to place women in an inferior position to himself.
Perhaps at work we could have naked bambi lunch hour, strip the secretaries and shoot them with rubber bands. Great idea.
I'm not suggesting banning them. I do want to know who's doing it.
I've visited a strip joint (boring), watched pornos (some are fun, esp. the bloopers) and oogled men at the crag. I've not yet chased a naked man with a firearm although if they end up naked on my lawn, I'm likely to.
Perhaps at work we could have naked bambi lunch hour, strip the secretaries and shoot them with rubber bands. Great idea.
I'm not suggesting banning them. I do want to know who's doing it.
I've visited a strip joint (boring), watched pornos (some are fun, esp. the bloopers) and oogled men at the crag. I've not yet chased a naked man with a firearm although if they end up naked on my lawn, I'm likely to.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
- Posts: 223
- Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:46 pm
....hmmmm.....Naked Bambi Lunch Hour.....not a bad idea! Though I am not sure I would want to see some of our secretaries naked.
S.Peeler, your signature rocks. Feminazis can be a real pain in the ass. I am all for women's lib, equal rights, etc. etc. but some women just take it too far.

S.Peeler, your signature rocks. Feminazis can be a real pain in the ass. I am all for women's lib, equal rights, etc. etc. but some women just take it too far.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Pardon me while I get out the soapbox...ehem.
Any overzealous group is a pain. That includes the Religious Right, NRA, Branch Dividians, Southern Baptists (just kiding about them) and the Promise Keepers (not joking...eww). I'm all for a man's right to sit on his butt and scratch himself while the lil woman cooks his dinner but some men take it too far.
Anyway, I am not saying that the little female wingnuts who choose to enter into that lifestyle are blameless. What I am saying is that condoning this behavior of stalking them and shooting them with a paintgun shows everyone that it's okay. I don't think that it is. There are all kinds of behaviors that I don't like. So, I'm fairly vocal about it. Take for example, female circumcision. YIKES. Not good. Or what about child labor, lowering taxes, the war in Iraq. Airing different view points is what lets these women know that there is a different lifestyle. Sure I could have paid for law school by stripping for a living. Guess what? I took out student loans instead and work to pay them back.
Any overzealous group is a pain. That includes the Religious Right, NRA, Branch Dividians, Southern Baptists (just kiding about them) and the Promise Keepers (not joking...eww). I'm all for a man's right to sit on his butt and scratch himself while the lil woman cooks his dinner but some men take it too far.
Anyway, I am not saying that the little female wingnuts who choose to enter into that lifestyle are blameless. What I am saying is that condoning this behavior of stalking them and shooting them with a paintgun shows everyone that it's okay. I don't think that it is. There are all kinds of behaviors that I don't like. So, I'm fairly vocal about it. Take for example, female circumcision. YIKES. Not good. Or what about child labor, lowering taxes, the war in Iraq. Airing different view points is what lets these women know that there is a different lifestyle. Sure I could have paid for law school by stripping for a living. Guess what? I took out student loans instead and work to pay them back.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
Yea Sik, like those women who proclaim things like, "I'm a bitch! Deal with it" like it's a cool thing or something.... or those that *expect* to be treated like a queen or something. Man, those women irk me.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
give me that soapbox..my turn!
ok, let me see if I have it straight Sprag..you have watched porn,and visited strip joints, but your behavior does not lead to you chasing men around with a gun....
YET...men who do this activity WILL put women in an inferioir position elsewhere, AND treat the women in their home with less respect?
enlighten me..why does their lewd behavior naturally lead to MORE lewd behavior, yet your poor behavior stops at that point? what, there is a link for men, but not for women?
and while you mentioned the war in Iraq..I can only assume you were a big supporter of George W and going to war, considering how Saddam treated the ladies of his country..any true, compassionate feminist would have been a flag waving supporter of George W, and now a defender of his cause..(WMD be damned...)
ok...stepping down...
to continue, I noticed while you were on your "soapbox", you mentioned overly zealous groups....funny, they were all conservative, or mainly republican backed groups..hmmm, I was just wondering how neutral we can conclude you are.... may I add NOW, Rainbow Coalition, PETA, DNC, and RRGCC to the list of overly zealous groups?
ok, let me see if I have it straight Sprag..you have watched porn,and visited strip joints, but your behavior does not lead to you chasing men around with a gun....
YET...men who do this activity WILL put women in an inferioir position elsewhere, AND treat the women in their home with less respect?
enlighten me..why does their lewd behavior naturally lead to MORE lewd behavior, yet your poor behavior stops at that point? what, there is a link for men, but not for women?
and while you mentioned the war in Iraq..I can only assume you were a big supporter of George W and going to war, considering how Saddam treated the ladies of his country..any true, compassionate feminist would have been a flag waving supporter of George W, and now a defender of his cause..(WMD be damned...)
ok...stepping down...
to continue, I noticed while you were on your "soapbox", you mentioned overly zealous groups....funny, they were all conservative, or mainly republican backed groups..hmmm, I was just wondering how neutral we can conclude you are.... may I add NOW, Rainbow Coalition, PETA, DNC, and RRGCC to the list of overly zealous groups?
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
I like Spragwa's last comment - if they show up on her lawn naked, she'll play the game. Now that would be fun to see.
ScrmnPeeler - men are not genetically predisposed to dominate women because your testosterone doesn't let you. Except in cases of rape, men are at women's mercy. And it seems that rape allows a man power, but in the end it doesn't - it just reveals his flaw. Away from the rape topic ...
Nice quote btw, but it should read "So you're a ... " not "So your a ... "
ScrmnPeeler - men are not genetically predisposed to dominate women because your testosterone doesn't let you. Except in cases of rape, men are at women's mercy. And it seems that rape allows a man power, but in the end it doesn't - it just reveals his flaw. Away from the rape topic ...
Nice quote btw, but it should read "So you're a ... " not "So your a ... "